July 6, 2023 Development Update Blog Discussion

Check out the latest Development Update here:

Please use this thread for feedback and discussion. Thank you!


Marketplace Backlog Chart for this week :slight_smile:


Will SU13 include the fix for the lights on the Honeycomb Bravo XPC (Xbox version)? I received my Bravo in September 2022. SU13 arrives September 2023. A year for a fix seems excessive.


I knew Texas would be the surprise.

I’m already absolutely dreading SU13 and the bugs that will come along with it and then go unfixed.


Roadmap goes up till October now :eyes:

Next update for bugs and stuff seems to be ‘Lucky SU13’ :four_leaf_clover: due on September 21st, unless anything arrives in WU 14 or CU4.

Disappointing dev update again 
 nothing about real dev topics
 no q&a’s anymore; feedback snapshot just the most irrelevant page of all of them 


Only thing of interest is WU14 on 7/21 for the scenery tool. Then nothing until SU13 9/21 for the hope of some type of weather improvements (not likely).

Oh good
 Night enhanced airports! Yes! I know this will be a giant relief for the entire community, who I know were getting concerned that DreamScenery would be running out of cities for their amazing “night enhanced” products
 We have hundreds more (thousands if we’re lucky) to look forward to!

Also, I know it’s fun to track the backlog and post charts that show it trending down, but is that really something to be excited about when the backlog is full of low quality junk? On the other hand, the stuff that matters like the P1 aircraft backlog has been rising (I think it’s finally flat this week). Normally, I’m someone who looks forward to these updates, but it’s honestly been 4 or 5 weeks in a row with nothing to be excited about.


DC-6 liveries at last!

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I know where you’re coming from but there has been clear backlog progress. They just can’t help the kind of add-ons which get submitted to them.

I for one am excited about the night stuff, but I’m holding off from buying any at all, until I can buy a complete alphabetical A-Z set. Woot!

And then I’ll fly during the day like I normally do


SeedyL had addressed a similar comment of yours two weeks ago:

So I’m not sure what answer you are looking for. DreamScenery is obviously going to continue pumping this stuff out.

  • Is that annoying? It seems to be for a lot of people, but as you can see from the poster above me, there are people who like them.
  • Is that to the detriment of P1 releases? It shouldn’t be, as it has been stated that anything P1 takes precedence over anything P2, and anything P2 is going to take precedence over P3, etc. Based on last week’s large release of night enhancement products, you could see from the numbers that they are considered P4. So they should be the lowest priority to get released.

The backlog rises when additional products get added to it, and P1 is no exception. When something enters the backlog, even at P1, it cannot immediately be released. It has to go through a process. Just as I said last week that it probably takes significantly less time to develop a product that requires adding a bunch of lights to an existing scenery versus creating a complex aircraft, likewise, I have to imagine that it takes less time to test a night enhancement product, too. We don’t know where in the process any particular product is unless the developer goes and says something about it.

So will the P1 backlog be non-zero from week to week? Yes, it will be, because they have to go through a process. Will the P1 backlog go up from time to time? Yes, it will.


So a fix for the game affecting white dot bug is late September :man_facepalming:t4: this is not very good, it needs a hotfix, why this approach to not fix issues quicker? It’s very obvious. Meanwhile people are having their gameplay severely affected, this needs to be better.


But havn’t we been waiting for an Airport night time fix. Being too dark. Aren’t those 3rd party products city scapes not specially airports.

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The developer has released a few night lighting products for airports, as well. But yes, mostly scenery outside of airports.

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Go Dream Scenery Go!! I Iike your work! Reasonably priced. Looks great.


Nothing at all to get excited about again this week.

I graphed out the backlog by priority over time. (I had to do this by week instead of by date because it would take a lot more work to do it by date. So we’re on week 16 right now. There is no week 1 or 2 because the data wasn’t broken down by priority at that time.)

  • P1 = Gold
  • P2 = Silver (the light-gray one)
  • P3 = Bronze
  • P4 = Pewter (the dark gray one)

It’s pretty clear that P3 and P4 take up the most room in this, and that’s not too surprising. It is a little bit more surprising that P2 takes up about the same slice of the pie as P1. Unfortunately, you could look at this and say that P1 and P2 never go down. But I think that this is probably an artifact of P1 and P2 products being released and new products taking their place at approximately the same rate.

Looks like HamMan has taken over posting the general backlog chart, but I’ll just throw mine in only because I have that other graph, so might as well:


I thought we wouldn’t see any more night scenery for a while
 at least xbox users now have a connie.

Another week, another disappointment! Plus the surprise was fireworks that meant nothing to non-Americans , just waiting for this comment to get censored again for negativity :joy: