Junkers update bug

Are you using Developer Mode or made changes in it?

Brief description of the issue:

Cannot update the junkers following WU8 it crashes to desktop everytime. All other updates are fine

Detailed steps to reproduce the issue encountered:

enter content manager. Click to download Junkers update and within 30 seconds it crashes to desktop

Build Version # when you first started experiencing this issue:

experienced with wu 8

The Junkers updated fine for me. No CTD.

Had that for other marketplace purchases in the past.

Can you try to locate your OneStore folder (next to Community), delete the junkers folder, and download again from inside the sim (need to relaunch sim first).
On top of deleting the junkers folder in OneStore folder, you also need to delete any .fspatch (or similar, can’t remember the exact name) file that is in the OneStore folder. Those are pending updates that might have been corrupted.


Just done that and the download has now started without issue…thanks for your help :+1:t2: Hopefully it completed but couldn’t even get it to start without Ctd so I assume it will be ok

Your doesn’t work. When the issue is on the console version which doesn’t have access too those files

I don’t own the Xbox but I did wonder whether that might be the case. Probably worth reporting as a bug