Just curious about the change of time question on forums in the posts that I make

Hi there, I’m a little curious why the time change goes from 44 minutes to an hour on my thread? Any help is greatly appreciated. TIA

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The time/date is how long ago the post was originally created.

You can put your mouse over the time for exact date/time.

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No sorry I mean when the time gets to 44 minutes after it changes to an hour

The displayed time doesn’t update every minute. I’m not sure of the timers used to display this when sitting on the page. A page refresh may work.


It appears to just be rounding up to the next hour. Seems normal.

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The forum software Discourse uses a framework called ‘Rails’. That has a helper function called ‘distance_of_time_in_words’. It is used to give a more human readable time that’s approximate and rounds up and down to ‘close enough’. Example: past 44 mins it just uses ‘about 1 hour’ but the way it is displayed on a post is just ‘1h’. If you mouse hover over the label you’ll get an accurate timestamp.

ActionView::Helpers::DateHelper (rubyonrails.org)


I hate that feature, personally. Maybe I’m closer to a :robot: than a :adult:, but I’d rather just see the time.


You can bookmarklet this, and it’ll transform them all to actual viewable timestamps. :robot: :wink:.

javascript:(function(){Array.prototype.forEach.call(document.getElementsByClassName("relative-date"), function(el) { el.innerText = el.title });})();

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