Just Flight : 747 Classic and A300B4-200 versions for MSFS planned


Yes, thanks, I read the link. Very interesting.

Apart from the positive news that these aircraft are coming to FS2020 I also found it interesting that JF had stopped work on these models for P3d due to the large number of P3d simers changing apparently to the MSFS 2020 platform. Not a positive sign I would say for the future of P3d.

Anyway, good news for us here. Thanks :slightly_smiling_face:

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Great news!

I think they don’t care much about home users, their customers are airlines and the military. P3D will be just fine even without any hobby simmers left.

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Wow so this is what we will get, including a flight engineer panel? :wink:



Cool look forward to them :+1:

P3D market for home users is dead. I think the XP 12 market for home users will follow P3D very soon.

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An (almost) study level 747 would be nice.


Yes, I think so too :slightly_smiling_face:

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Now January 2024. Nothing. Zzzzzzzz.

The latest A300B4 preview was just before Christmas: Just Flight - A300B4 Professional

Martyn - Just Flight