Now that is interesting!
Are there also people who can turn left, but simply hate to turn left and that´s why they always drive a small detour until they can turn right?
By the way some small cockpit upgrades are ready, like the seats…
Removed the ugly distorted screws on the galley. Before:
(Can´t find an after screenshot but the ugly completely distorted screw on the right bottom of this panel is gone, made a new bumpmap and texture etc. for it.)
But this bug on the white stormlight and red floodlight cabin ceiling texture is very difficult to fix. I either contact JustFlight about this or give it another try this evening
Do you know where the phobia from turning left comes from? It comes from the fear of starving to death in a car!
Because if you try to turn left most of the time you wait until the traffic light for the oncoming traffic becomes red and therefore the oncoming traffic vanishes so you can turn left.
But sometimes it never disappears, you wait forever until you can turn left, you might stand there for days weeks until you finally can turn left - and after two weeks standing there you might starve to death in the car while waiting until being able to turn left… the last thing you hear is your turn signal still clicking and clacking while slowly the consciousness fades into the eternal slumber.
You might DIE when you try to turn left!