xxx\Community\justflight-aircraft-f28\SimObjects\Airplanes\Just Flight Fokker F28-4000\texture.VC\xxx.xx
xxx\Community\justflight-aircraft-f28\SimObjects\Airplanes\Just Flight Fokker F28-4000\texture.VC\xxx.xx
The update seems to have broken the engines for me. The throttle in the aircraft corresponds to my actual throttle but the engine thrust is completely erratic. I flew the aircraft on the previous version and had no issues. I didn’t uninstall the previous version before updating. I’m not sure if that’s what caused it, but uninstalling completely and returning to the original release version has it working like normal. Not sure if anyone else is experiencing the same thing.
Streamed my first flight in this last night. Absolute gem - another home run for Just Flight!
Has anyone noticed with this bird quite the FPS hit? compared to say the PMDG 737 its quite a big difference…
Yes, I’ve noticed it. I had to reduce textures to medium.
5 flights in now. Really enjoying it. Not powered up a GPS unit yet. Fantastic simbrief VOR nav flight from EGSS to EGPF having done the reverse this afternoon. Very enjoyable and amazing looking/beautifully modeled aircraft.
Does your VOR 2 work, mine wont capture (beam Mode) on VOR 2 and the same happens to V1 Sim on his videos.
I was using VOR 1 and VOR 2 radials and switching between them tonight. Both work. They both should be switched to DME. You do have to set a HDG intercept to narrow the radial intercept down a bit I think. Also when some of the AP modes change, beam mode disengages and switches to roll (caught me out a few times drifting off a radial course). So you have to reactivate beam mode. VOR2 was working for me though. Also used VOR1+VOR2 (with Nav1 and Nav2 set to ILS freq) together for APPR mode again no issues seen with localiser capture with this method.
I just made the account and this week I got the email from the car dealer that I might have to go in this week so I’m gonna hold off from buying anything for now
Yeah I’m not sure, I have the DME on etc, but it seems to not capture the course on NAV 2
Nav 1 - 117.0 CRS 93
Nav 2 - 117.10 CRS 108
At leas than 1 mile from the VOR of Nav 1 I switch to Nav 2 but the plane will not intercept the nav 2 course, I have to go heading get on the course switch back to beam and it kind of works.
I am rusty on my vor navigation but I feel like I should not have to use heading mode?
It should just intercept the course and line up on the CDI
Nav 2 was in range as well I had it at 42NM on the nav 2 DME, but I might be missing something.
FPS I not very good. Locked 40 to 30 ish. I only see that with a310
I think what you describe should work without having to use HDG mode. I’ll need to go try it out again.
I was flying from EGSS (see attached screngrabs) using BKY (116.25 VOR tuned to NAV1) on 323 radial towards POL (112.1 VOR tuned to NAV2 on same 323 course) and from memory all I did was flip NAV1 → NAV2 before I lost the BKY signal (only has 42 miles range). I can’t remember if BEAM disengaged at this point requiring re-engagement, so I would need to go try this out again. BEAM mode does seem to drop occasionally (and AP switches back to default ‘roll’) when you change some AP speed/pitch? modes I think. Not sure if this is expected behaviour or a bug
I then tuned GOW (115.4 VOR in to NAV1, course 329 radial), which when I was beyond POL I switched NAV2 to NAV1 and again I think it just picked up GOW without having to flip to HDG mode.
I can’t be entirely sure as I think I remember tuning HDG to same course as a backup plan, as I didn’t want the aircraft veering off course if BEAM mode disengaged (which it does occasionally and you find yourself not tracking the VOR radial any more).
I will go check this all out again though to be 100% sure.
I’m using a 3090/5950 and it’s generally been fine for me, but I did notice a few FPS dips at EIDW V2 two nights ago. It was kind of a worst case scenario (in front of a very detailed gate interior + FSLTL traffic running). I have had my setting fairly locked for a while and hadn’t noticed other aircraft causing dips here before though. eg 737, 146, A320NX. Perhaps it was the AI density though, which can be quite bad at certain times at EIDW.
I only using default textures 4K with the F28? I haven’t downloaded 8K ones and probably won’t.
Performance seems to be fine for me otherwise although I haven’t gone measuring the exact figures for comparison.
I am using a 4080 with Frame gen & DLSS set to DLAA my CPU is a 7900X3D and of late using FSLTL with fairly conservative settings I get bad FPS, so much so I have gone back to FSTraffic (Just Flights AI) and FPS back has gone back to normal at big Air Ports like EIDW V2.
I’m not sure why this has happened, I also use FSHUD and that controls traffic with FSLTL, maybe it is that I am not sure what exactly has changed however but as soon as the AI spawns it kills FPS badly. I am also telling FSLTL to use the Just Flight models.
I certainly had to make headroom to run FSLTL which is CPU intensive. Detailed other traffic back to 10% and LOD’s back quite a bit to accommodate it and I don’t run on high settings. I have FSTraffic too, but prefer the fire and forget and always works nature of FSLTL. I let FSLTL use the FS Traffic models as fill in. Not necessarily the issue people are seeing perf wise with F28 though. But those mega detailed terminals in EIDW V2 can be quite brutal on system resources. Other than that one case F28 performance has been fine for me.
Re-doing EGSS->EGPF this morning & so far-
Seems to be when you pass the target VOR BEAM mode disengages goes back to ‘ROLL’ mode. You then have to reengage it.
If you change nav source from NAV1 → NAV2 (for next VOR frequ/radial course) BEAM mode disengages and goes to ‘ROLL’. Re-engaging BEAM mode and NAV2 tracks new VOR radial fine.
Is this expected behaviour? I have no idea. So far only had to use HDG mode once to get to first VOR (BKY) after T/O from R22 EGSS.
Currently on the 323 radial towards POL using NAV2 as source and tracking fine. Also have NAV1 primed with GOW on a 329 course in preparation for reaching POL VOR-
EDIT: confirmed the same BEAM mode behavior after reaching POL and switching over to GOW. So points 1 and 2 I posted above are confirmed.
Thank you, will give it another try. Many thanks. and a great post
I just tried a radial intercept on NAV2 (2nd VOR) before I reached the first VOR and that worked too. It shaves the corner a bit, but intercept was perfect. If not using HDG mode then it sits in ‘ROLL’ and ‘BEAM’ mode illuminated together. The orange VOR/LOC light comes on (armed) then when closer to the radial ‘ROLL’ turns off and ‘BEAM’ stays illuminated and the VOR/LOC turns green (locked on) then it eventually does it’s final turn to intercept the radial. My advice would be to watch ‘BEAM’ mode as like I said before is prone to turning off when maybe when close to a VOR ( no signal?/blackspot?)
Does anyone use the GPS? Every streamer has only used VOR navigation…
Just had engine 2 “surging” in cruise, dropping to 50% then back to 100%. Gen 2 fail light flashing each time it surged too and volts dropping off.
Thought it might be ice related but engine anti-ice didn’t fix it. Engine relight ignition or continuous ignition seemd to stop it for a short time but then it came back. Not sure if a bug or a feature and I missed something.