Just Flight have announced the Fokker F28 Fellowship

Anybody else getting CTD’s from this plane? Every time I try to use it the sim crashes.

Not on my end - maybe another conflicting addon?

I haven’t had a single CTD in months now. Try it with the Community folder empty.

Do you have the GPS unit enabled in the EFB settings? Someone figured out that the porpoising only happens with the GPS disabled, and I can confirm that enabling it seems to fix the issue.

So for now, just enable it but don’t use it if you don’t want to (but remember to make sure it’s in VLOC mode if you want to use radio navigation).

No my GPS is not enabled. I wasn’t contemplating enabling it either. Interesting if that that is the case though. It only seems to happen at slower speeds, but it can be quite pronounced at times as it hunts around +/- Vs. Like a bit of a rollercoaster.

I use the GPS exclusivly and have never experienced any porpoising whatsoever…she holds level flight everytime…

Which is why it is interesting.

I will maybe try enabling GPS in EFB (but not using it) and see what changes if anything.

OK so I tried out enabling GPS (I’m not using it for a flightplan, but enabled in EFB, initialised and turned on), and the popoising at slower speeds is much reduced say VS of +/- 100ft/min at cruise. So much so you would hardly notice it.

With the GPS disabled, the porpoising at cruise (especially slower speeds) is way more pronounced with a VS of about +/- 500ft per minute which is quite noticeable.

still no ATC sound despite i ajust the sound all the way up :frowning:

hello im having issues with this plane :frowning:

plane wont move despite parking brake off and no ATC sounds at all please help me :frowning:
i kinda wasted $70 of this piece of junk :rage:

These both sound like user error. It works fine.

Make sure the chocks are removed using EFB. Make sure you’ve adjusted volume, not the squelch dial. Make sure on the radio controls you’ve selected the correct blue switch for the COM you want to listen to.

chocks are removed and yet plane wont budge despite parking brake off, volume is ajusted but again no ATC sound but what blue switch i cant find it

please i need images to see which one :confused:

I bet you’d find it in the manual :thinking:

manual is not user friendly i couldn’t understand this i need images to see where the blue switch is?

plus the plane wont move even with the parking brake off and chocks off

certainly not a piece of junk. It’s a fabulous aircraft to learn and fly. So there must be something else going on here, most likely interfering/competing/double binding etc peripherals…brakes on (keyboard/other?) that’s stopping you fly.


Audio: Pages 41-42.

Sorry, not at computer at the moment.

Left hand side of the pedestal has the switches for COM and NAV, in different colors. There’s a large square switch and a smaller round switch, one blue pair of those per COM. Small round button should be pressed for the one to listen to - left for COM1 right for COM2. Make sure radios are powered on too.

Check your mappings, it’s possible something is keeping the brakes applied.

brakes were off, chock are off but the plane wont move

Recommended to watch before you start calling this addon a piece of junk.