Just Flight have announced the Fokker F28 Fellowship

i watched it but still no ATC sound despite i followed the video :frowning:

Are you able to record a video of how you’re setting up the aircraft?

Edit: also just for troubleshooting try using the EFB to put the aircraft into ready for takeoff state. See if anything is different.

i dont know how?

If you’re on windows 10/11 use Win + G to open game bar and there’s a recording option.

i guess this addon is not for me, had to send JustFlight a refund cause this junk is unflyablable for me

Again, it’s not junk. It works fine for everyone else. There is something going on either with your peripherals, strategy, or something else. We’re trying to help but we can’t help you without seeing what you’re doing.

Maybe just flight can help you too. Try stepping away from it for a while and coming back later.


Yes get onto JF support. I’m sure they’ll help you. They just replied to one of my questions within a day, so they’re certainly willing to see you succeed.

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ill try if they respond with helpful stuff

Plane works just fine. Read the manuel. It’s legit reading like reading instructions we all did it. This plane is absolutely outstanding. Don’t call this plane trash cause you refuse to read the manual.


To be fair, I also experienced some issues with parking brakes when controlled by Honeycomb rocket switch. Setting p. brakes via Honeycomb does not move the lever visually (in BAe it does and same in almost every other AC in sim). Also normally you can’t move incockpit lever/switch if controlled by rocket switch, but here I can. But brakes themselves works. So I though i would just ignore that. But in last flight, GSX didn’t recognized that parking brake are set after pushback. I tried several minutes to handle both Honeycomb switch and incockpit lever to no avail. After some time, GSX just unlocked the gear and went away (I don’t know if it does automatically after some time or not).
So ok, that was weird. I set both cockpit lever and honeycomb switch to “Release” and continued. After landing, I wondered, why plane won’t move from runway. I had to cycle Honeycomb parking brake on and off to move.
Before someone may say “I have Honeycomb and it’s working” - yes I had around 3 flights which were without any problem regarding parking brakes. Also Honeycomb switch is not faulty, I’m using that in other planes and also checked it via software, the switch works as usual.

Noticed a bit of a gap here…

just got on JustFlight support and they teach that there was a switch that causing the ATC getting no sound and they provided the images that the switch has to be on, also the plane wasnt moving cause its was overweight despite the brakes and choks are off.

i reduced some weight and the plane was moving and i can hear the ATC sound cause i found the switch was causing to not hear the ATC.

but there other issue that the rudder only turns left :confused:

forcing me to use the ailerons to turn right

There’s a hotfix for that.

F28 rudder axis controller hotfix | Just Flight Community

I got a bit distracted from getting to know the F28 when the Comanche was released but I’ve spent some time in it today with a few successful flights and am really loving this quirky regional airliner. Similar in terms of the need for hands on flying as the -146 but I find it even a bit easier somehow to fly. All in all a great addon.

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how do you make the autopilot follow the GPS?

Use the Beam button. Set the switch on the right to correct mode. It’s all explained in the manual very clearly.

(Not trying to be clever here, but it really is that simple).

And don’t forget about this:

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Wasn’t planning to buy this plane yet due to the pricing but a few Youtube videos I saw convinced me that I couldn’t wait for a sale…

After a few hours with the F28 I’m happy to say that this purchase was absolutely worth it, it’s one of the best planes available in MSFS in my opinion.

However, I do have one big problem with the F28: the high pitch sound of the engines at a high power setting literally gives me a headache.
I haven’t had this issue in any other plane.

Messing with the MSFS sound settings improves that somewhat but I would be really happy if Justflight comes up with some options in the EFB to take care of this problem. (turn down engine noise in the cockpit or simulate noise cancelling headphones like A2A does in the Comanche)


Did you try the built-in headphones option from the sim menu?

Yes, I had to enable this option but it’s far from perfect.

I do not really like to change MSFS settings based on which plane I’m flying. I would prefer if the F28 would have a setting in the EFB that could take care of the issue.

Also the MSFS headphones get rid of way to much sound which takes away from the overall experience. If Justflight could come up with an option that turn down the high pitch noise in the cockpit that would be perfect.

For the MD82 I had to download 3rd party sounds because the plane is too quite, for the F28 I might have to look for 3rd party sounds because of the opposite reason…