Just Flight have announced the Fokker F28 Fellowship

I have the same problem. I always have to decrease the general volume when climbing out.

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I agree engine sounds during long flights are very annoying to my ear. Noise Cancelling Headphones like in GotFriends or A2A products would be awesome.


Please justflight…fix that whine in the engine sound, gets really annoying…maybe a little more optimizing that would help with peeps that have mid range systems to help with the FPS…but other than that this is definitely my fav so far

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Please Just Flight, don’t “fix” the engine sounds. There is nothing wrong with them. It is realistic and how the actual aircraft sounds. Great job. Thank you.

If you need to placate the people complaining about it, (who want it to be unrealistic), please make it optional.

Thank you.


Im starting to think the F-28 has a memory leak…i get worse performance as the flight goes on…

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That little whine sounds like that in the real thing? If so i agree with you then. Id rather have the most accurately sounding engines…i had no idea…

I’m saying there should be an option in the EFB to turn them down, you wouldn’t have to use the option if you don’t want to.

Also, the sounds in the last row have pretty much the same volume as in the cockpit (doesn’t matter if the cockpit door is closed or not) which doesn’t seem to be very accurate…

Have you flown in the actual aircraft?

Either way no worries as long as it is optional. I prefer the realism.

You can try any number of freeware sound equalizers, and you can clip out/reduce the very high-end frequencies while keeping, or enhancing the low-end. Works for me.

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To me the engine sounds are glorious and what I would expect from an older jet like this.


It was developed from a Bristol engine that didn’t get built - the Olympus ( also originally Bristol ) has a similar characteristic whine/whistle.

how much time and effort do you reckon they put in to GET those whining sounds…it’s so realistic…exactly what the a/c sounded like!!!

You can hear the high pitch whine in this video


Great video, that engine whine is very realistic but very annoying to me also.
Would love to have an option to toggle that high pitched whine on or off.

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Is it possible to bind the “gear horn silencer” to a button on my Joystick via the MSFS control options?

If yes, what is the button called in the MSFS menu? For some reason I can’t seem to find the correct option.

Very typical story. Some users of A310 complained about loud sound. Developers reduced sounds volume and now most A310 users complaining about too quiet sounds.

Would be nice though if Justflight would add an option in the EFB to turn down the engine whine wouldn’t it?

This way people that don’t want to listen to that high pitch sound for hours can opt not to without messing with the MSFS sound options.

Also, a lot of the A310 sounds are currently just bugged/broken which will hopefully be patched soon.

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Welcome to turbojets!

I do think a simple low-pass or band-pass filter could do the trick. You could also do that yourself with some external equipment or software.

It’s around 3150Hz, so notch that out and you’re set to go. Interestingly, 2.5 to 3kHz (and higher) is the same frequency range that causes a lot of fatigue to listeners of music as well.

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Does the hush kit change the sound, or is it purely an aesthetic option in the EFB?

You cuold probably do that fairly simply, but you’d still get the same frequency that bothers you, just a little quieter. If you want to manipulate the engine sound more then it’d need them to provide a second set of ( at this point fictional ) engine sounds.

I keep forgetting to test the hushkit audio, I wondered too.