Just Flight have announced the Fokker F28 Fellowship

I didn’t noticed any sound change with hush kits, external or internal.

Two little things that have grabbed my attention:

  1. The flight director vertical channel indications in G/S AUTO and G/S MAN modes are unreliable, if I follow them I will either end up too high to fly into the ground, it’s not sensitive enough and results in undercorrections, and in extreme cases doesn’t react to glideslope deviations at all after the initial g/s capture. It’s not much of a problem since I can fly raw data ILS perfectly with the F28 because it’s a very stable aircraft, but nevertheless I would like to know what am I doing wrong, I flew the 732 in another sim that had an identical ADI and Flight director system and it was always very responsible during approach.

  2. Why is the air pressure LESS with ONE pack on than with BOTH on, with no change in air supply? Shouldn’t it be opposite? More demand = pressure falls?

Thank you JF for this beautiful ship, I have hardly flown anything else since this came out.

I live near Innsbruck and am interested in which aircraft have ever landed here. For the F28 it have been 25 aircraft (5 -1000 and 20 -4000) with a combined total of 477 landings.

The first landing (LTU F28-1000 D-ABAQ) was at July 14th 1969.

Here is the list of the first landing for each aircraft with the date, type and serial number

D-ABAQ 14/07/1969 -1000 11004 (the 4th F28 built)

PH-CHB 12/09/1979 -4000 11138
PH-CHD 09/02/1980 -4000 11139
PH-CHI 12/01/1980 -4000 11141 (crashed 06/10/81 in the Netherlands)

PH-MAT 01/04 1978 -1000 11008

SE-DGA xx/xx/1981 -1000 11067
SE-DGB 29/08/1981 -1000 11068
SE-DGC xx/xx/1981 -1000 11069
SE-DGD 07/02/1981 -4000 11111
SE-DGE 14/02/1981 -4000 11112
SE-DGF 01/01/1983 -4000 11115
SE-DGG 01/03/1980 -4000 11116
SE-DGH 15/03/1980 -4000 11120
SE-DGI 02/03/1980 -4000 11122
SE-DGK 23/03/1980 -4000 11123
SE-DGL 25/03/1978 -4000 11126
SE-DGM 27/12/1980 -4000 11128
SE-DGN 08/03/1980 -4000 11130
SE-DGO 26/12/1982 -4000 11190
SE-DGP 01/01/1983 -4000 11191
SE-DGR 18/01/1986 -4000 11204
SE-DGS 31/01/1987 -4000 11236
SE-DGT 10/01/1987 -4000 11239
SE-DGU 16/01/1988 -4000 11241
SE-DGX 27/09/1987 -4000 11225

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I’ll hop into my F28 today (for the first time) and look at SPAD for the parking brake data. I have a Bravo, and I’ll map it to a rocker switch. Perhaps it’s a toggle event, and not a set event? That would explain why you had to cycle the switch on your Bravo.

I’ve seen a number of events where flipping a switch does what I want, with no visual feedback in the virtual cockpit. It has been explained to me that the developer used a ‘B’ event, which causes that behavior. The command is sent and accepted, but no visual feedback is provided.

SOLVED: The parking brake is a data change event (not SimConnect.)


In SPAD I assigned that event to my Bravo rocker switch (1 for ON, 0 for OFF)
When I move the switch I see the lever in the cockpit move.

Now I’m trying to figure out why the yoke doesn’t move.
I don’t see any axis movement in the cockpit, even if I assign the axis using a sim profile.
In SPAD I can’t configure the axis. First time I’ve ever seen something like this.

I’ll start reading the manual :smile: to see if I’m missing a cockpit switch that unlocks it.


There’s a Gust Lock Lever that has to be turned off, or the controls won’t move.
More reading in my future. :wink:

Does anyone know what these are?

F28 throttles


It is all explained in the manual. You just need to read it.
It can be found under Documents in your F-28 installation folder.


I can’t find it in the manual. I looked. What page is it on?
(If you don’t want to look it up for me I understand…I’ll find it elsewhere.)

When I depress the buttons I don’t see a label in the cockpit.
Same thing when I pull the lever.

Hi again,

The lever attached to the right throttle is to actuate the lift dumpers (ground spoilers) manually. They can also be armed for auto deployment prior to landing by pressing the red ARM button just to the right of the throttles. As for the black buttons on the back side of the throttle levers, I do not know the answer either.


After startup I could not remove the gyro, computer flags from the hsi and it was not fully functional. Also the gps did not power up. Now Im thinking maybe this happened because I forgot the master radio switches. The manual is not so clear about this. Do these switches also control the spinning up of gyros?

Yes, the radio masters must be on for the GPS and most instruments to be powered. “Radio master” is slightly misleading as to the whole scope.

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Thank you.

Just helping those who cannot find the manual with a direct link here.

Thank you. I looked in the manual. My issue was I didn’t know that it was a manual lift dump (spoiler) control. In fact, I had no idea what those do in real airliners. Thanks to @Super275327 I was able to find the LVAR.


I now have the commercial handles on my BRAVO configured thusly:

Button 9 on Axis 1 sets the LVAR to ON=10, OFF=0
Button 29 on Axis 2 sets the LVAR to ON=20, OFF=0

So if I want manual spoilers set to 10 (halfway) I actuate the handle on Axis 1, and if I want 20 (full) I actuate the handle on Axis 2.

This is a stock picture. Obviously I only have two of those handles.

F8 Bravo spoiler lever

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The liftdumper’s lever has been explained.
The black buttons on the throttle levers are used to trigger a GO AROUND flight director mode (SC position), which is optional in real and it’s not included here.

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Well many flights in and I’m still really enjoying the Fokker F28. I have tried it out with the GPS enabled now too, but VOR nav is still more fun. Definitely one of my favourite aircraft in the sim so far though. The 146 is great too, but I find the startup from cold and dark is a lot faster in the F28 (with only two engines). It’s a very enjoyable aircraft & I haven’t found the urge to fly much else recently, the larger automated jets (a320nx, 737) largely abandoned as the F28 is a way more enjoyable experience IMO. Short hops are obviously my thing. :grinning:


I’m enjoying the F-28 as well. It is a nice change from the modern era airliners.


Any idea when it will be submitted to the marketplace? Can’t wait to get it!


I’m waiting for MP release too. Also I hope porpoising issue with GPS disabled will be fixed because I prefer to fly without GPS.


I’m hoping the porpoising (without the GPS unit enabled) gets fixed too. You don’t have to use the GPS itself for nav, you just have to have it enabled and the porpoising disappears. May matter if you care about seeing the weather radar rather than the GPS unit though.

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