Just Flight Warrior II on sale next week

Just had an email from Just Flight announcing their PA-28-161 Warrior II will being going on sale on their store next week and detailing how to get the 25% discount for owning any of the MSFS Arrows - the same discount is also available if you have the FSX/P3D Warrior.

Presumably the module will also be appearing on the MSFS Marketplace at some (later) point.


Just got the same email - excited to try it out!

I like the way they are filling in the gaps in the PA28 lineup before moving on to something new.

Awesome, day 1 purchase from me. Did they mention what day of the week it’ll be available on?

What’s their next project supposed to be after they finish milking, er, filling out the PA-28 lineup?

Monday the 19th, providing there’s no slips to their schedule.

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I was hoping for an Archer or Dakota but apparently not …

Pretty sure the Hawk will be the next release and there’s also plans to bring their BAe 146 Professional over to MSFS as well but I don’t know whether that will arrive before the F28 or after.

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For sale now!

I don’t see how to apply the discount for having purchased the Arrow or FSX version?

Go to your Arrow III or the Turbo Arrow, you will find a discount code there.

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Yep, that is it. just go to the download link for your existing product and it is in there.