Just picked up my Honeycomb Bravo!

I just picked up my Honeycomb Bravo, so excited!

Before everyone asks how I got it so soon. I live in Hong Kong so no shipping required.

This was the front of the shop where I got it, with a line of people collecting pre orders!

I imagine there’ll be aa heap of questions about it so I’ll try and answer as many as I can in the next day or two.


Well firstly, Asobo have all the throttle mixture & pitch controls mapped incorrectly.

All left engine controls are mapped to the right, and vise versa. Really? No one picked this up. I noticed 2 seconds after getting into the cockpit!

Also, mixture are pitch controls are incorrectly swapped, with mixture controlled by the two middle axis, and prop pitch the two outer…

Whilst it’s nothing that can’t be fixed in the control assignments, and only took me 3 min to fix, I shouldn’t have to do that given the level of support this supposedly has.

Trust Asobo to break the most anticipated hardware release…


All autopilot controls seem to work, though moving the selector from ALT, VS etc actually changes the autopilot mode which will be problematic. It should only allow for the value to be changed so you can pre-select things . Disregard. See next post.

Also, all selections like course/heading are in 10 degree increments, and altitude 1000ft increments.

Lastly, the 7 switches above the annunciator panel are already assigned to functions, even though they are not labeled. Some like landing light, are now duplicated with the switches on the Alpha.

Seems like the Bravo is really highlighting all of the MSFS control input issue that already exist.

Obviously drivers are still to come, but some of the things mentioned above are definitely in Asobo’s court, and should have been flagged earlier.

A lot to do from Asobo to get this functioning 100%

As for the Bravo itself, Awesome!

Great throw on the landing gear. The trim wheel is incredibly smooth and accurate. Detents on every axis for reverse, feather etc.


Please don’t take my comments as negative, it’s an absolutely fantastic bit if kit.

i’m sure P3D and XP will do some things a lot better, maybe some things they won’t? There’s still some work to be done to get it 100%, especially in MSFS, but it’s fantastic now too.

The good outshines the bad by far, so I hop you can all see that, despite what’s written above.

Last Edit:

When changing to a jet config with speed brake & flap, currently the sim doesn’t auto detect the change, so you’ll have to re-map all 6 axis, and the reverses. Not sure if the drivers will fix this when they come. FSUIPC may be the best bet here, as it can handle aircraft specific control setups, (beneficial for different flap configs too, Boeing Airbus, Citation etc).


Brilliant! Hopefully there’s some on a flight to Australia right now…

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One extra point. Seems there were some double assignments set on the autopilot mode selector, so by removing some, it’s possible to select ALT, VS, Speed etc, without it automatically engaging the respective mode immediately. Makes it much nicer.

Altogether it just needs the default bindings changed a bit. And the 10degree/1000ft increment bug fixed.

Thank you for the early info.
Mine is supposed to ship Dec 7th.


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Got an update from my retailer. They are receiving it on December 15th.

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