JustFlight PA-28R Marketplace update? Its been a month since Justflight sent it to you

I had an exchange with a JustFlight representative on April 5th where they said they had sent the Piper Arrow updates to Asobo/MS the night prior. Are these going to see the light of day on the Marketplace? Its been a month, and there were significant updates to the Piper Arrow that have been available to the rest of the world but not we who bought through the Marketplace. Its kind of frustrating and dissuades me from buying from it in the future. Can we get an update on the plans for these updates?

And here is the post:


Getting restless for this too. What’s the hold up?

Moved to #gd-interests:aircraft

Is it possible to get some sort of update on the status of this? I would assume I should be able to get developer updates via the marketplace in some reasonable amount of time once they’ve delivered the updates to you, especially for one of the most popular addons. What’s going on with this?

Hey @CasualClick

From the looks of it, it seems like this update is still in Asobo’s court to update the marketplace version. However, it’s been over 3 weeks since the new version was released on Just Flights side, and the marketplace is still showing 0.10.8 is the most up-to-date version for us.

Do you know the most efficient way to ping Asobo to get them to accept Just Flight’s update to v1.10.6?


The only avenue available is to open a Zendesk ticket and use the Submit A Request option. Use the “I want to share my feedback or request a new feature category.”

@CasualClick I mean I’ll do that, but that’s the only avenue open? My whole point of creating a forum post was to bring it to the attention of those who can escalate or get answers. On the forums, there is no hope of responsible parties seeing important feedback and getting that back to the devs short of that coming in a “I want to share my feedback” ticket and hoping it gets noticed? I would have thought the communication from the forums had various avenues for feedback bubbling up. This isn’t “let me tell you what features can make the sim better for me”. Its “people bought arguably the most popular addon over the past year on the marketplace and the devs of that addon tell me you have updates you’ve not put up for download. what gives? when can we get those?” I am not looking for sim improvements or give feedback on what good a job you’re doing. I’m looking to find out when Asobo/MS is planning on resolving that issue, if at all.

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Understood, but that’s an entirely different team outside of the Community. For obvious reasons, the Dev Team closely monitors trends as they have direct actionable capability to review and if needed, respond to changes in the sim based in part upon what’s happening here in the forums.

The XBox Team is still the governing body over console content, including ingestion. The message about faster ingestion has been heard - hence the metrics for queue progress and backlog now being part of the Dev Blog updates among other things. But the queue is the queue - we as Volunteer Staff can’t make that queue move any faster, and that XBox team can clearly see what’s in front of them work-wise more than anyone here. Again, if you want your input heard directly by Microsoft - the Zendesk Channel is the best way to make that happen.

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Ticket is created. Here’s to hoping. Thanks for humoring me with an explanation. Makes sense and one more reason to not buy from the Marketplace. I’m surprised the interactions with a major developer like JustFlight are such that it would need patrons complaining on forums and pushing out feature request tickets. You would think content dev updates would be handled responsibly by a Marketplace for a huge franchise game.


Call me skeptical, but it says my ticket has been SOLVED.

Hi skeptical,

That ticket system is about as useful as this forum in terms of getting actual answers. What’s going to happen is you’ll get a ‘thank you for your feedback’ message at best, and 
 that’s it. They aren’t going to give any of us any sort of concrete answer. Many have tried for much more anticipated releases. The answer is always the same: static. Not even the add-on developers themselves have a clue when things show up.

Asking on the forum or on that ticket system is about as useful as asking your magic 8-ball.

Solved just means the ticket was received. If additional actions are required, the Zendesk team will reach out.

I’d like to point out this post:

You can always contact Martyn directly since they can tell you exactly what they’re seeing from the push side.

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@CasualClick That is welcome news. Thanks and appreciate the patience.

@WatchfulWheel34 I’m aware of all of that and almost as cynical. Going through the motions cost me very little of my day and the only surefire way for nothing to happen is to say nothing.

The Marketplace and our team have been working hard to listen to feedback and adjust their processes to get updates and products out to the public in better timeframes, along with their new prioritization method they just started recently with their pipeline. We aren’t able to say at what point exactly something got held up with either party for every item someone is curious about, but your general feedback and concerns are being heard and acted upon.

Here is a post in the main thread about the product you are concerned about being released: PA-28R Arrow III from Just Flight - #1515 by NORTMAR


Thanks. Much appreciated.

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