Justsim EDDL and EFHK - Only Jetways are streamed, Scenery broken

Streaming of my both Marketplace bought Justsim Scenerys ist completly broken. Only the Jetways get streamed. The Antalya Scenery (same developer, also Marketplace-Item) runs without any Problem.

Screenshots showing the Problem.

I LOVE the new streaming… No, seriosly: Fix this and let us download our Scenery, Planes and maybe the World…

EDIT 05.01.2025:
The broken Addons cant be disabled via the Contentmanager. After restart they are still enabled. Other Scenerys can be disabled.

Hi @Giasinga ,

Thank you for this report. We’ve moved your topic into the User Support Hub.

The Bug Reporting Hub is for posting suspected or confirmed bugs that other users are able to reproduce without duplicating an existing bug report. Using the template or providing all the relevant information about your bug and sim setup is required in order to provide valuable information, feedback, and replication steps to our test team.

If you are not sure if your issue is a bug or need further input from the community, please use the User Support Hub category. If the community can replicate your issue, first search the Bug category to see if there’s an existing topic. If it already exists, contribute to that report. Duplicate bug reports will be closed.

If you believe it is a new report and no duplicate exists, then create a new bug topic using the provided topic template.

All issues caused by or involving third-party addons/mods should be reported to the third-party developer. Assure that no addons/mods are used when reporting issues in Bug Reports.

I have the same problem with my EFHK by JUSTSIM, i hope they can fixed it soon :slight_smile:

Hey my friend, thanks for your Answer. How do i contact the developer? :wink: Via Facebook? Thats the only way i find and i dont use FB. I boght it via the Microsoft-Marketplace and i cant deactevate it via the content-manager. Every time i put it on “disable” and restart the sim its still enabled. That ist only for Justsim EDDL, LEPA and EFHK. I guess for the contentmanager Microsoft ist responseble and not the Developer?

See their contact page on Simmarket. Microsoft only provides the Market. It is up to the individual developer to certify if their product is forward compatible or natively ready for MSFS 2024.

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I am not sure why your JustSim addons don’t stay disabled after a restart. I just did a test with an airport addon I own from France VFR on Marketplace: I disabled it and it stays disabled after a restart. So in your case maybe it is a JustSim Marketplace setup related issue that you need to report to them.

I have the same problem with Justsim EDDC Dresden! I also bought it earlier on simMarket for Xplane, and there it says the contact e-mail was rujustsim@gmail.com

But if you look further on Google, there are more 3rd-party-airports with the same issue.

Thank you Mate! :sunglasses:

Hi there!
I have got Justsim EDDL V1. Need an update because there are so many changes. A big on is that Hangar 5/6 does nor longer exists. When they want to send an Update of the Airport?
Greetings Rene