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No (N/A, dev mode not supported on Xbox)
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Yes (N/A, mods not supported on Xbox)
Brief description of the issue:
The LOC/DME-E approach in to Aspen, CO (KASE) has a missed approach procedure that uses
an additional off-runway localizer (I-PKN) to guide the outbound path.
The localizer is present in the game, but it does not seem to function correctly.
Based on some testing, it looks like the localizer is located approximately at the correct location,
but is aimed at 331º (the runway heading) instead of 303º.
Provide Screenshot(s)/video(s) of the issue encountered:
Note NAV1 is tuned to IPKN at 108.5, and identifies correctly.
When tuning NAV1 to IPKN, the course is automatically set tot 331º.
Manually adjusting the course does not help (which is the correct behaviour for a localizer)
Note the position of the plane on the map in the MDF, located to the east of KASE, and the (almost) centerred localizer on the PFD. Compare that to the approach chart.
Detailed steps to reproduce the issue encountered:
Perform a missed approach when following the LOC/DME-E approach in to KASE:
- Start on approach, or take off from KASE runway 15
- Climbing right turn to 300º
- Try to intercept the I-PKN (108.5MHz) localizer. (Note that this is a back course localizer, but following it in the outbound direction gives a normal sensing needle).
Based on the approach chart, you should initially be to the right (east, gray side) of the localizer.
Notice that you are already on the left (west, white side).- Notice that you need to fly ~331º to keep the localizer centered.
PC specs and/or peripheral set up if relevant:
Xbox Series X
Build Version # when you first started experiencing this issue:, fully up to date as of 2023-07-13 according to Xbox & Package Manager.