KCRW Terrain issues Orbx/WU10

I am having an issue with the Orbx KCRW I purchased. The first session after installing the scenery everything works great. Subsequent MSFS sessions after that load in with major terrain issues. Is this a scenery conflict? I don’t think I have any other custom scenery installed for the airport besides real taxiways.

Moved to #third-party-addon-discussion:airports as #self-service is for stock sim only.

Yeah this scenery has big issues even with the surrounding area. I was in VR at the time and for some reason thought it was a VR issue, flew today, and it is terrible. I hope they fix it.

Can confirm I saw this yesterday.

I opened a ticket with ORBX.

Deleting the Content.xml worked for me eventually. I removed the scenery, deleted the xml and reinstalled and the issue came back. For some reason deleting the xml again has worked. I have had several sessions since without the terrain issues. :man_facepalming:

Just had a chance to test, and yep, deleting the content.xml file fixed it for me as well. Needed a cleanup anyway, I had a bunch of stuff set to false that isn’t even installed anymore so it removed it all when it re-created.

Just had to set a few things to false and good to go.