KCVG - Coming soon (yahoo!)

This is probably insignificant to most, but an add-on for my home airport (KCVG) is coming soon!


Nice that they will offer the option to restore all the terminals that are no longer there. :pensive:

Sill, would rather have a nicely modeled Sunken Lunken, lol. Go Kluk!

WHAT??? Yay!!! I’m sooooo happy! My home airport! I’ll be first in line to buy this bad boy.

And I agree with KLUK! My son flies to KLUK frequently for his cross country. Too bad they closed that restaurant there. Stupid COVID.

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It looks like happy days are (almost) here again… Yahoo!!

Our best seller airport, KCVG is close to finish the developing for MSFS!




Thanks for sharing!! I really hope it’s soon and I hope we don’t get dragged out much longer. I don’t even fly around CVG since it’s so bad in the default sim.

Considering they’ve been at 96% for the last 6 months and little to no discussion… I’ll believe it when I see it.

My only reason for hope now is that they don’t have any other airports in their pipeline LOL.

Hopefully they can make it out… I’m ready for some Prime flights when the -800 comes out.

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I just, for fun, checked the skyline-simulations website. KCVG for MSFS is showing “overall progress” at 96%!

Not long now (I hope)… Thanks. --Redeye

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I hate to break it to you, but it’s been showing 96% for months. Before that it showed 90% for nearly 8 months. I wouldn’t hold my breath.

I love your faith! But like the other post I gave up hope long ago LOL.