Ok So, I looked on youtube and searched on the all mighty google but haven’t found a comparison to the premium deluxe version of kden and flight beams kden.
I have game pass and am going to buy the sim, but the only reason I would get the premium deluxe is kden.
So now the question is, how do the two compare? How does the flight beam version affect FPS compared to the premium deluxe version?
How does the flight beam modelling and texturing look compared to the premium deluxe version?
I know flight beam does a good job as I have all their airports for P3D. Only reason I hesitate is because well, Asobo has in my opinion raised the bar, and that is an excellent thing to do!
I would have asked this perhaps in a third party forum, but I don’t see one, so perhaps there should be a forum for the market place/third party so people can ask these questions there?
Happy flying!
Yea I noticed that, but that just says default, as in standard version of the game, from my understanding, the premium deluxe is different then the default? [standard version] KDEN. I think the word used was, “enhanced”.
I’ll just say, as an owner of the flightbeam one, I wish I could get a refund. The buildings and all that look fine but like none of the roads line up, they have bizarre old textures that are like clay blobs just plopped down on the ground to make elevation changes, and there’s a weird inconsistency between the transition of the airport textures and the satellite textures. It’s very clearly a port that doesn’t appear to have given much care to the details. I’ve also yet to be able to get ATC to assign taxi instructions at the airport (this may or may not be related to it being an add on)
If youre just hauling in and out in an airliner, it looks fine from far away and when taxiing around. If youre a target audience member and like low and slow vfr, it gets annoying really quickly.
That image as far as I am concerned is taken out of context. it’s a snip it of a screen shot that was taken somewhere with you circling premium.
It is not taken from the link you posted, It also says nothing about the airport nor how it performs against the MSFS premium version kden. on flight beams web site they compare the default, not premium deluxe, version of kden.
Thank you for the information. Do you have the premium deluxe version or just the standard?
It seems that perhaps the third party developers will need to adapt to a new environment and it probably will take them all some time to hone the in’s and out’s of this new sim.
I want to give the third parties a chance, I might hold off just a bit, but, I know they will get there.
Last time I remember it took them [third party] a while was going from MSFS 2004 to MSFS X when they introduced full working cockpits.
As for the ATC, as you said it may or may not be related to the sim. Thus far I haven’t messed with the ATC, I will once the traffic gets better implemented.
Just the standard so I can’t comment on the asobo version. Although from one of the screenshots I’ve seen, theres a significant scale disparity between the two airports.
So far, KDEN is the only airport I’ve flown into where I cant get ATC to give me actual taxi instructions. They just say “taxi to parking” even if I land on one of the runways out in the boonies. I’ll have to change it back to the default airport and see if that changes anything before making a final conclusion.
this is what the stander look like
from what i see on FlightBeam site they are showing the Premium version