KEVV Evansville Regional Airport runway Terrain issue

Hello, just purchased the first regional addon from MSFSCENERYBUILDERS yesterday for my hometown airport Evansville Regional Airport (KEVV) and tbh is a solid 3.0. The details on the buildings are pretty good besides they could get better and could also come handy a functional hangar. But the Runways goes up & down just as in the pictures from the marketplace. Really dont know how to reach them but was wondering since here there are a lot of ppl that are better on this stuff than me though would be handy for someone inrerested in it. I ended up uninstalling it bc the terrain is uneven as it could get even the Strip lines across the airport a somewhat off from where they originally are. Hope this works for someone or them if they see it lol.


You could try contacting them at for support and ask them if they would fix the terrain issues. Don’t know if they would do it or not, but maybe worth a shot.