Key Assignment to hop between Fixed (Showcase) Camera and Free Camera (Drone)

Is there any key binding capable of passing from fixed (showcase) camera (eg wingviews in the A320 FBW) to drone camera (the one you can freely translate and rotate)

I haven’t found one.

Obviously there is that trick of manipulating the cfg file to break the invisible wall of the cockpit and add wing views as cockpit views that can be saved and recalled using the keyboard but I would like To avoid that if possible. Path of least resistance would be just to find that key i am talking about

You could use the “toggle drone camera” key to get the drone, I’m not sure what you mean by showcase, but if you are referring to “cockpit/external view mode” there is a key for that as well.

There is way. First toggle drone key binding and then toggle exterior view once in drone which then moves you to fixed cameras. The a and shift a to move through views. Then just toggle drone to move in and out of fixed camera views.

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This is the solution! worked like a charm, thank you!

how d you figure it out it was this way

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Completely on accident. Think I meant to toggle drone off (page down binding) and hit the key next to it which was toggle exterior.

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haha like great discoveries in history

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