Key assignments

Buenas tardes. Este es mi primer post y además en Ingles por lo que intentaré no cometer muchas faltas.

Estoy intentando asignar el proceso de encendido entero del Airbus A320 a los botones de un joystick y no encuentro algunas asignaciones.

-Turn Battery Master 1 ON/OFF
-Turn B attery MAster 2 ON/OFF
-Apu Master Switch
-Fuel Pumps ON (Left, Central,Right)
-Engine Master 2
-Engine Master 1

El resto de elementos los he encontrado y asignado a una tecla pero estos no puedo. He probado a poner el simulador en ingles y tampoco lo encuentro.

La idea es no llegar a utilizar el ratón para darle más realismo.

Un saludo y muchas gracias

Good afternoon. This is my first post and also in English so I will try not to commit too many mistakes.

I’m trying to map the entire Airbus A320 power-up process to the buttons on a joystick and can’t find some assignments.

-Turn Battery Master 1 ON / OFF
-Turn B attery Master 2 ON / OFF
-Apu Master Switch
-Fuel Pumps ON (Left, Central, Right)
-Engine Master 2
-Engine Master 1

The rest of the elements I have found and assigned to a key but these I cannot. I have tried to put the simulator in English and I can’t find it either.

The idea is not to use the mouse to give it more realism.

Regards, and thank you very much

Check here, mira aquí.

Thanks, but none of the keys that i looking for is in the list.

Best regards

Gracias, pero ninguna de las teclas que estoy buscando aparece en esa lista.
Un saludo

Have you gone into the Controls tab, switched the filter to “All” and searched for these?

There is for example a “toggle engine master 1” (and “…2”).
Also APU toggle and various fuel pumps.
“set battery 1” is toggle battery 1, so should fit your master battery requirement.

There seems to be everything in there you require.

These are not yet assigned to any keys, but can be directly assigned to the keys on your joystick.

Hi, thanks for your answer.

Yes, I´ve searched in the Controls Tab and certainly there´s the assignments, but not work.

In refering to Engine Master Acordding to this post Assign Engine Master 1 and 2 to Joystick Button it´s a bug in the simulator. It is not as easy as looking for a command and assigning it to the joystick. You have to make a combination of 3 keys that is not normal nor does it appear in any list

It is obvious that before publishing the post I have looked at all the lists of commands that I have found on the web but if I have decided to write it is because it is not as easy as entering options and configuring the controls.

I have already read in another post that the Apu Master Switch does not exist in the game’s SDK, so it is impossible to assign it due to many apu commands that are in the list.

The same goes for the fuel pumps. There are many listed and no matter how many you assign, none of them work. It must be a combination of 2 or more keys similar to the Engine Masters.

Can someone enlighten me please?

Hola, gracias por tu respuesta.

Sí, he buscado en la pestaña Controles y si, están las asignaciones, pero no funcionan.

Referente a Engine Master ,De acuerdo con este artículo, Assign Engine Master 1 and 2 to Joystick Button es un error en el simulador. No es tan fácil como buscar un comando y asignarlo al joystick. Tienes que hacer una combinación de 3 teclas que no es normal ni aparece en ninguna lista

Es obvio que antes de publicar el post he mirado todas las listas de comandos que he encontrado en la web pero si me he decidido a escribirlo es porque no es tan fácil como ingresar en opciones y configurar los controles.

Ya leí en otra publicación que el Apu Master Switch no existe en el SDK del juego, por lo que es imposible asignarlo por muchos comandos apu que estén en la lista.

Lo mismo ocurre con las bombas de combustible. Hay muchos comandos en la lista y no importa cuántos asigne, ninguno de ellos funciona. Debe ser una combinación de 2 o más teclas similar al Engine Masters.

Alguien puede iluminarme, por favor?

If there are bugs, then obviously there is no point in asking for the assignments, as you did in your post.

Presumably, you need to assign each task individually to the same button. This combination does not need to be in a list.

It looks like you need a single button to do several tasks at once in the other cases as well, assuming that by “Master”, you mean switching on everything. You will need to experiment (as above) in assigning several operations to a single button. This may or may not work, as it may depend on which order each operation is performed.

NB If people are trying to help, you would do better to be a bit more grateful. A remark such as "It is obvious that before publishing . . . " when it is not obvious what you have tried so far is not gracious, and certainly does not make others more willing to help find a solution for you. If you do find a solution, it would be good if you put a post accordingly, to actually help other people.

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f there are bugs, then obviously there is no point in asking for the assignments, as you did in your post.

The post I refer to is written a day ago, I could not know what I answered when I started the post.

It looks like you need a single button to do several tasks at once in the other cases as well, assuming that by “Master”, you mean switching on everything. You will need to experiment (as above) in assigning several operations to a single button. This may or may not work, as it may depend on which order each operation is performed.

I was just asking about this combination, in case anyone knew …

NB If people are trying to help, you would do better to be a bit more grateful. A remark such as "It is obvious that before publishing . . . " when it is not obvious what you have tried so far is not gracious, and certainly does not make others more willing to help find a solution for you. If you do find a solution, it would be good if you put a post accordingly, to actually help other people.

I say that it is obvious that I do not need the entire list of commands when from a checklist of 15 elements I ask only for 3. It is not a matter of education or gratitude, in the list that I have received of commands are NOT the ones I am looking for. I have given thanks for them but I can express that they are not the ones I am looking for, right?

If you do find a solution, it would be good if you put a post accordingly, to actually help other people.

It is usually very frowned upon in forums to repeat or duplicate topics, I don’t think this is an exception. I have put the original link of the person who published it. Is it also wrong?

Thanks for education

El post al que me refería fue escrito hace un día, es imposible que pudiera saber los datos que he puesto cuando inicié el post.

Solo estaba preguntando por esta combinación, por si alguien la sabía…

Digo que es obvio que no necesito la lista entera de comandos cuando de una checklist de 15 elementos pregunto solo por 3. No es un tema de educación ni de agradecimiento, en la lista que me han pasado de comandos NO están los que estoy buscando. He dado las gracias por ellos pero puedo expresar que no son los que busco ¿no?

Suele estar muy mal visto en los foros el repetir o duplicar temas, no creo que este sea una excepción. He puesto en enlace original de la persona que lo publicó ¿Tambien esta mal?

Gracias por la educación

Hey! did you find out the solution? I’m in the same situation as you.



Justamente me ha pasado lo mismo. Me gusta iniciar desde un Cold & Dark estacionado en un aeropuerto y uno de los problemas más grandes que tiene jugar desde XBox es la lentitud a la hora de poder acceder a los diferentes botones (especialmente en vuelo). Desde un controlador XBox uno se ve muy limitado además de ser imposible recordar todas las combinaciones de botones.

En mi caso además estaba pensando en realizar un panel a modo de teclado mediante un Arduino Due a fin de generar una réplica similar al overhead panel del A320 y asignar a cada botón el envío de una combinación de teclas.

Me costó mucho darme cuenta que NO todos los controles son visibles por defecto (solamente se ven los controles mapeados en el teclado) y cuando quise mapear el encendido / apagado del APU, me encontré que este no funcionaba. Probé con un teclado normal y corriente y tampoco logro hacer que funcione. Además las diferentes opciones que hay me parecen muy confusas, dado que parece haber combinaciones mapeables para encender y para apagar (lo cual es genial) pero no en todos los controles. En el caso del Master Switch no he podido hacerlo funcionar y no sé si se trata de un bug, o que no encuentro cuál es el mapeo (aunque he probado bastantes opciones). Por otro lado no me queda claro las dos cajas de texto que aparecen en cada control a qué hacen referencia. La de la izquierda parece hacer referencia a la tecla asignada pero… y la caja de la derecha? para qué es?


Just the same thing happened to me. I like to start from a Cold & Dark parked in an airport and one of the biggest problems that playing from XBox has is the slowness in accessing the different buttons (especially in flight). From an XBox controller one is very limited in addition to being impossible to remember all the button combinations.

In my case, I was also thinking of creating a panel as a keyboard using an Arduino Due in order to generate a replica similar to the overhead panel of the A320 and assign each button to send a key combination.

I had a hard time realizing that NOT all the controls are visible by default (only the controls mapped on the keyboard are visible) and when I wanted to map the APU on / off, I found that it did not work. I tried a normal keyboard and can’t get it to work either. Also, the different options out there seem very confusing to me, since there seem to be mappable combinations to turn on and off (which is great) but not in all the controls. In the case of the Master Switch I have not been able to make it work and I do not know if it is a bug, or that I cannot find what the mapping is (although I have tried quite a few options). On the other hand, it is not clear to me the two text boxes that appear in each control to which they refer. The one on the left seems to refer to the assigned key but … and the box on the right? what is it for?

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