Key to toggle Co-Pilot/AI ATC response

I did search, didn’t find anything.

Is there a key to toggle between player ATC interaction and Co-Pilot/AI ATC interaction?
Seems such a waste to hit ESC and activate this through the main menu.

Sometimes it can be a bit of a drag to have to handle all the ATC interaction but on occasion, especially in rural areas it seems that the Co-Pilot isn’t on the same page as me and declares that we are going to land at the airstrip we have just left even when there is a flight plan with a defined destination.
Go near another airstrip?
Co-Pilot decides we need to land there.

Is there a mappable key already? Or maybe a command in the SDK which could do this?

I found this - don’t know if it does what you want.

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I think that is hand ALL control to Co-Pilot.
I don’t want them flying the plane. I just want them chatting to ATC (and the option to take back command of that when I need to.)

Not sure if I understand correctly, but you don’t need ESC.

There’s an AI option in the flight menu at the top, where you can switch it on or off. Don’t have the program open, but the image looks a bit like a hazelnut or acorn? So you can switch it during flight.

I’m not sure if there a key mapping available.

In the opening screen of this youtube: the fifth image from the left, on top.

There is an ATC option at the top and this does indeed have a hotkey mapped. (in my case Scroll Lock - not sure if that’s the default.)

But as far as I can see this only turns the ATC response window off completely which is not what I want to do.

I am looking for a method of switching between
Player respond ATC
Co-Pilot respond ATC

I’m pretty sure it’s supposed to be a face with an airline pilot’s service cap.

That’s not what they meant. The top menu has an option to enable or disable Copilot Assist. It’s the top menu icon that shaped like a pilot’s head. Click on it, and just switch the Copilot Radio On/Off.

That’s the most left picture.

I’m pointing at the fifth one from the left.

If you do not have that one, you have to go to the one on the right (settings) and turn it on.

I’ll have a look for the missing icons this evening.
Thanks for the tip.

If you want AI copilot Charlie to help, you want to turn on ‘AI CONTROLS’ in the Toolbar Options menu:

… and then ‘MANAGE RADIO COMMS’ in the AI Copilot dropdown:

I don’t think there’s a configurable button just for this function, but I haven’t looked too hard.

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Seriously? I just had a closer look… but if that’s their idea of airline staff… :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Must be an abstract then… (or he’s wearing a mouthcap?)

Well okay, if I stare at it long enough, with this idea in mind, I can start to see it a bit… gosh… that did take a lot of energy…

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