KG's (Kilogram) Please as an addition to LB and GAL regarding Weight/Mass

First of all the Sim its very very fun so far in terms of General Aviation, Bush Flying and general VFR Flights, for anything else i am somewhat underwhelmed.

After they spend so much time on all the eye candy, sounds and the graphics, after an over fifteen year long waiting period for a new Flight Simulator, omg how on earth there is no way to choose KG (Kilogram) as a unit of Fuel Mass and Aircraft Weights, nearly the whole planet is using KGS except Northern America.

Being able to choose beetween LB, GAL and KGS would be a great addition and not as hard to implement as other issues.


Same goes for litres. When I refuel the Jabiru I buy in litres so it is really odd in the sim.
it would also be awesome set barometric pressure in millibars.


Yeah Litres and Millibars would really make sense as well. Hope we get this some day.


Indeed, I support this. I can not believe that this issue wasn’t raised through the Alpha/Beta.

Everything in aviation is done in pounds, gallons and miles.

That’s just how it is…

Yes please give us KG! :smiley:


KGs and hPa please…


That´s definitely not true!

Just as an example, out of my daily business as LJ35 FO, I can say the following:

It´s true that e.g. the LJ35 fuel indicators are working in pound, as well as all calculations about M&B etc.
but especially around Europe fuel is given out of the trucks most of the time in Liters, as well as in some other countries.

Shouldn´t be very complicated to just implement the asked units.
Yes, Microsoft Flight Simulator is an US product, but created by a French company, so within the EU.
I am also wondering why this was not implemented.


True the metering of the Fuel Trucks in Europe is in Liter.

On the Aircraft side, at least for ~10-15 European Airlines and some Northern African and Middle Eastern Airlines i had to deal with at work, i can confirm first hand their Fuel Displays and Gauges were always KGs without exception.
(for their A320Fam, A330, 737, CRJ, ERJ, ATR, BAE).


I order fuel in Canada in liters as well, but everything to do with aviation itself is all in miles, gallons, and pounds. All fuel burn calculations are most standardly done in pounds or gallons per hour. If you want to convert it in your head to litres that’s up to you. for example when I flew a 206 it burned about 1 Liter per minute in cruise flight, so I would use that since I often had to fuel my plane myself, and our own fuel truck was also metered in litres. But the poh is gallons per hour.

But every airplane performance chart I have ever seen has the aircraft weight in pounds, and fuel/performance charts in gallons per hour in the case of piston planes, or pounds per hour in the case of the Caravan.

When I ordered fuel it was a simple conversion I could do in my head to figure out how many litres to order, per wing.

Nothing to say against it, we do the same :wink: but to say that totally everything in aviation is based on imperial units, was not correct.

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It’s really weird because unless I’m mistaken in one of the alpha version at the beginning of March, there was the possibility in the options menu to put the values ​​in kg / liters

OMG, this is such a huge ommission : (

All Diamond Aircrafts have KG and Liters as main units in the POH as far as I know.

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I was also desparately looking for the kilogram option when setting the mass distribution. This should be a simple feature to add.

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Not in Europe, where kilograms and liters are used for refueling. And millibars are used for air pressure.
That’s really how it is …


No it is not !

Not only that but in Aust. Pressure is always Millibars and never Inches

+1 here
Is this a bug or a feature?

I do understand all of you and I think as well, Asobo needs to get this fixed, within the next updates…shouldn´t be a big deal.

Sometimes I wonder a bit, how some people argumenting about things in general!
There is no “the one and only” answer, especially in aviation.

To put it in a nutshell:
We need these units, or least want them, as we are used to it, that´s right.
But again, to say that in one country, only one unit is available e.g. KG-Liters-GAL etc…is not only depending on the country, as some units are needed by some specific type of aeroplanes.
There are some regions/countries where you get both on the ATIS Millibar and InchHG, because these airports are used to handly planes from all over the world, which are used to different settings and furthermore there are not only Millibars and InchHG, in Russia e.g. they´ll give you QFE btw… :grin:

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