For those who are managing to get the scenery to load without CTD, how’s your FPS? Mine is 10 FPS at airport and over city…strange…I’m getting 25+ over NYC…
My usual ~33FPS @ 4K slowed down to about 15FPS really close to the strip. No CTDs. Still flyable even with a slower FPS. The scenery is beyond spectacular and incredibly accurate. If you fly down Harmon Ave - between Vdara and the Aria it’s dead on accurate and amazing. I suspect that in time and with a little patience the frame rate will improve. For now however, if you have ever spent much time on the strip in real life you might want to give this a go. This scenery is top notch and the decrease in frame rate is tolerable - totally worth the $20. Like everything else in the sim, it will get better over time.
Remember, the glass is half full.
Would be awesome to provide us with some more information (Your computer specs, your graphic settings). Then we can help you troubleshooting a possible cause of the FPS issue. (I think the reason for the post is, that you want more FPS )
It’s a frame killer on my high end system too, but what a beauty! Similar FPS dips to the ORBX KBUR issues early on in that release. Anyway, sure it will be fixed at some point.
On my first flight it was really chugging, with my 2080 maxed in terms of VRAM and usage, but once I did a loop around the strip it settled down to the same performance I get in any city with a hand-made airport. After my sightseeing flight I did a flight to it with the 320 and no performance issues on final or taxi to gate. So maybe it got loaded into my rolling cache or something.
Mine drops to 25 fps over threashhold in A320, 30-45 Fps at 2k over the strip on High settings. 1080p
Amd Ryzen 7 3800x
32gb DDR4 ram
Power Colour RX5700XT 8Gb
1 TB Adata m2 Nvme
A addon that make the sim under 20 fps is useless why waste performace in useless internal airport textures and animations that you only gonna see one time , i can understand they can do this in airports far from main cities but this airport is near a photogrammetry city it should have less things otherwise is just cosmetics but you can’t fly with reasonable fps
From what I’ve seen, it looks amazing, but I’ll be waiting until the performance issues are addressed and it’s available in the store. I don’t like running all over the Interweb downloading things I already bought if I have to reinstall for whatever reason, and ditto for upgrades. Having it all in one place suits me just fine!
A performance patch is expected this week.
It has been proven time and again that frame rates aren’t “standard” in flight sims.
I can fly quite smoothly and no noticeable effects with frame rates as low as 13-14 FPS.
Picking an arbitrary figure like 20 FPS and saying its useless under that is not true in my case.
How is that? Are you saying you fly smoothly at 13 FPS?
What effects are you referring to?
What does it mean “standard” for you?
Just curious, I have nothing against you
My advice to all simmers and gamers do not buy any addons until MSFS is on RC.
lol but why fly with 14 fps when you can get 30 easy just if you focus on performance look at some airports from other addons doesn’t have this problem, is not London or new york with massive cities i just the dev add to many details that 99% of the times you dont care, i hope they can fix or at least reduce some things cause the scenery look great
What does that have to do with this? Many other 3rd party addons are working fine. FlyTampa has addressed the performance issue.If you are having issues on your end sorry to hear!
Honestly, I can’t tell the difference between 14 or whatever.
There is no noticeable change in mine until it drops below about 12.
However, having said that, I’m sure they will try to improve it since a few people have mentioned it.
Here is a link to the article about this in their forum.
By standard I mean FPS which is considered as acceptable FPS rates in other sims, generally that seems to be around 30.
MS flight sims have always been able to operate smoothly at lower rates than you might expect.
Yes sir, quite smooth, no stutters etc.
By effects I mean no problems or issues.
In other words I can’t tell the difference between 13 or whatever.
Now, when it hits below that , things do start to slow down, big time.
I quite commonly operate in the mid to high teens.
Curious are you running a GSYNC monitor? I am running a standard monitor with no freesync or gysnc features and the sim feels slow/sluggish once I dip below 30fps.
No, just an ACER H274HL.
Been using it for some time.
I recently made the purchase and its bad.I remove the city and got the fps back!
They posted on their forum that a patch is coming this week for performance