Does the Kodiak have an OBS.
Can’t seen to find it.
If not it is a glaring omission that needs to be rectified.
Yes, there are two of them. Look at the auto pilot control head and you will see two knobs, one labeled “CRS 1” the other labeled “CRS 2”. These are for Course 1 and Course 2 to control the OBS on the left and the right primary flight displays.
If you’re talking about the ability to change the radial of a direct GPS track, that’s also available. Once you have the GPS track established, press the OBS soft button at the bottom of the PFD, then use the triangular course knob on the side of the same display.
Thankyou for your replies.
The image I have attached does not show a highlighted OBS soft button.
I have the current version of the Kodiak.
Any suggestion gladly accepted.
I’m just going to completely spitball something here because I can’t get on my system to test it……
So what happens if you select a destination so your GPS has a target to aim at. Does the OBS mode then become available to you? I’m thinking once you have actual GPS guidance working it might then allow you to activate the OBS mode so you can approach your destination from a specified bearing rather than giving guidance directly to the destination from your current location.
Flight plan for a short flight loaded. No OBS light on the PFD.
I am starting to think that a mod or some other addition to my community folder is causing the issue.
I will move the community folder and leave the Kodiak only to see if it works.
With only the Kodiak loaded as an addon and a flight plan loaded I have the OBS soft key lit, so it is now obvious that another addon, more than likely, an aircraft, mod or livery (although I doubt it) is creating the issue.
Now I start the process of elimination.
Will let you know the culprit when I find it.
Found the offending mod. One for the PMS GTN750 titled:
PMS GTN750zWTrixi-0.12.1-sync-fix.
Once deleted the OBS comes alive once a flight plan is entered.
Thanks for taking the time to respond to my post.
Once you have a GPS course set, that button will be available.