For what’s it worth I don’t find some of the more pitch sensitive aircraft (like Sting 4 and G36 Improvement Mod just mentioned) to be problem at all. I could (and in former case do) hand fly them for hours.
This is with VKB Gladiator that has 20 degree throw (T16000/Airbus is 30) for about 12cm (+/-6cm) movement back and forward measured from the top of the stick (at middle where you grip it it will be less). With linear curves. And this is one of the earlier versions before they switched grease to the damping Nyogel and later added a clutch damper as well (still waiting the upgrade kit to be introduced on the European shop).
I.e. continuation from earlier thread where the subject: “Throw, super important or not?” was touched. Maybe, maybe not. It’s certainly possible for controller with lesser throw to be more precise than one with more, and that’s before we get to damping.
Understanding that. Should it not be more right to make it feel right on the hardware people use, rather then have the actual throw right?
Having the plane feel right is what we feel?
We try to. test as close to RL as possible. Unfortunately, if we tuned for shorter throw controllers, those that have the longer throw ones would complain. It is a catch 22 and a limitation of the hobby.
We have something we are fiddling with that will hit some middle ground, at the cost of a bit of speed in pitch response. If it works well we will apply it.
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Thanks for the update.
Would a “toggle” option be a possibility perhaps? Not sure if possible but for example a hidden click spot that would change the pitch to suit a long or short throw and have something specifily tailored for either and not a hybrid?
p.s. The new update is rather nice.
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Unfortunately not. It is a flight model thing and will create more problems than it will solve.
Just to mention that having done quite a bit of experimenting, I gone back to the original values in the flight_model.cfg file, and rather applied curves on my controller. This I find to be the better option. With my settings above the aircraft seemed unstable and wallowed all over the place.
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Pitch response is fine on my Fulcrum with a linear curve for pitch - but it does have 8" throw on the pitch axis.
The other issue with flying the Kodiak is if you rotate at the correct speed for short take-offs you cannot just pull back on the yoke, angle of attack needs to stay around 5 to 10 degrees until you acquire quite a bit more airspeed. I believe that is also true for the real life Kodiak.
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Just landed into a 16 knot wind, 30 degrees off runway centerline. Other than the very messed up ground handling that currently plagues MSFS, flying the approach and flare was nothing short of fabulous. The low-power “dirty” handling of the Kodiak has been improved quite dramatically. I did not drop full flaps because of the crosswind component and held a slightly higher speed right up until ground contact. Other than the immediate tendency to turn into the wind (maybe getting “adjusted” for the better in SU10?) the approach and landing was really great to fly and very satisfying.
The team at SWS has done a fine job with tuning the power curve and implementing prop drag. It makes flying an already great model that much better. Such a nice aircraft!
I use a flat response curve, with no dead zone, on all axes.
As I don’t program specific control sensitivities for each aircraft that I fly, I find that this aircraft is very (to borrow a music term) “pitchy”.
I haven’t a clue if this is the case with the real Kodiak.
It does settle in pretty good when trimmed, but generally it’s a handful compared to similar aircraft, I.E. C-208 Grand Caravan.
I loved this aircraft in FSX and I want to love it as much in MSFS, but I find myself avoiding it, because of that overly sensitive elevator.
I went back to this aircraft recently and I find that it’s less pitchy now. In fact I really enjoy it nowadays.
It’s been mentioned elsewhere, and in this thread I’m sure, that there are reasons for this, and a big reason is the type of controller you are using. If you are using a higher end unit, with a higher resolution on pitch then you won’t notice it. Use a controller, or a cheaper yoke, and you will. It’s a combination of the axis resolution, and the travel distance of the controller on pitch.
Agree - mine is in the hangar for now.
Changes to the flight model mean that for me it’s not the joy to fly that it was and I’m reluctant to invest more time learning it to have the model changed from right under me again…
This has certainly been my experience. I’ve just in the last few days switched from a relatively cheap Thrustmaster T.Flight Hotas X to their Thrustmaster TCA Yoke. With the joystick controller I had to employ serious curves to help with the pitch sensitivity. With the yoke I do not have any curving (linear) and it’s marvelous. There are still some serious problems with the flight model though relating to drag and lift from the flaps. With full flaps the plane drops like a rock around 80 kts as soon as you reduce the power. Furthermore, I notice massive changes in the aircraft’s pitch with very small changes in speed between 80-90 kts at full flaps. Since this is the typical approach speed range and landing configuration it makes for a very irritating and clumsy landing, unless you keep your approach speed above 90 kts. I believe SWS are aware of this, and in fact these abnormalities have been introduced over several sim updates by Asobo. I’m very hopeful that the update (being released tomorrow I think) by SWS will properly address these issues.