I hope this hasn’t been covered already - but I was wondering if people generally use a linear controller setting for pitch, roll and rudder sensitivity for the Kodiak, as suggested by the developers in their manual. I find this is impossible for me as especially the pitch is so sensitive that the tiniest inputs from my controller have a huge effect, and with a linear setting I end up porpoising badly on landing. Thus I set my pitch sensitivity curve to -70% (rudder and roll are -50%). Is this something that varies from controller to controller? I wish I could use a linear setting as every now and then you need a large corrective input (strong crosswind landing for example) and then with a non-linear setting you find the rate of change very dramatic at the outer limits of your controllers’ range.
She really likes to be trimmed out (pitch trim) - but yeah, she’s twitchy. When I’m in the mood to wrestle with a plane, it’s a lot of fun. If I want a smoother hand-flight, I usually hop in another plane.
If you’re flying with an Xbox controller, I can see your point, but if you have a flight stick or yoke, practice smaller inputs. I know it sounds a little condescending, but with practice, you can keep a linear profile and still grease the landings. Watch the angle of attack indicator on top of the glare shield. The perfect landing profile will get you five green dots in a “+” pattern. Use the autopilot to fly a few ILS approaches, even in clear weather, and learn what the runway should look like from that angle. Also remember that when you’re on approach, pitch and throttle trade functions. If you’re slow, pitch down. If you’re high, throttle back. After you’ve done a couple thousand landings (I’m also counting my years in FS9), it’ll get a little easier.
Hello, as this seems related to a third party aircraft (the Kodiak), the topic has been moved into the #third-party-addon-discussion:aircraft category.
But it’s not realistic. At the low airspeed of landing and with little propwash, bigger than usual inputs are needed.
I made the following changes which really improves things - I may refine these values.
In the flight_model.cfg file (for the relevant version you like to fly) I changed:
elevator_effectiveness =0.15 (from 0.4)
aileron_effectiveness =0.4 (from 0.6)
rudder_effectiveness =0.06 (from 0.3)
Might have overdone it a bit, I’ll have to see. Also I’m not an expert so there may be better values one can rather adjust.
One last thing I adjusted:
point.0 = 1, 2.507979, 0, -5.619, 820, 0, 0.52, 10, 0.165, 1.7, 0.9, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.1
(55 was changed to 10)
This sorts out the ridiculous situation where the aircraft can be steered while taxiing with even just the slightest of rudder inputs and no differential breaking required. Now to make tight turns, differential breaking is required.
NOTE: Just to mention that having done quite a bit of experimenting, I gone back to the original values in the flight_model.cfg file, and rather applied curves on my controller. This I find to be the better option. With my settings above the aircraft seemed unstable and wallowed all over the place.
Yes, on my X55, even with a fair bit of curve, she is very twitchy in pitch.
The adjustments you have made to the control surface effectiveness entries suggests that you are using a ‘standard’ joystick / yoke. We did discuss this in the early post-release, and actually had one of our testers who flies the Kodiak in real life to measure the throw of the yoke. It is a fairly good match for (e.g.) the Fulcrum yoke or the Thrustmaster Warthog with the longer extension tube. I can’t remember the exact figures off the top of my head and am currently away from the PC (covid ) but I think it was something like 21 or 22 inches on the pitch axis. So if you are on a standard joystick or yoke those figures definitely make sense.
Regarding changing the 55 to 10, you have almost completely removed the steering angle. The Kodiak’s nosewheel has 55 degrees of movement either side of centre, and one of the ‘selling points’ in the manufacturer’s promo stuff was the ability to turn entirely within a standard width runway. So that side of it is not ‘ridiculous’, but the ground handling in this game still has not been improved massively from previous sims and hopefully will be looked at sometime soon for the benefit of all.
21cm is the real plane’s throw in pitch, 90 degrees in roll.
Every yoke in the market with a couple of exceptions has around 50% of the throw, so it will feel sensitive, unfortunately.
That’s the one - 21cm
So help me out then. What value should I change so that my Kodiak does not turn “on the spot” with just the smallest amount of rudder input whilst taxiing. It’s unrealistic that I can perform an on the spot 360 with just rudder input and no braking.
Hey man sorry about the covid - hoping you make a full recovery very quickly.
It really does turn that tightly, literally just outside its own width if you break out the free castering beyond the steering angle. It’s not much worse just using the steering. The angle of steering is set correctly as per the real aircraft, so if there is a difference with the real world behaviour that’s down to the sim. You seem determined that this is wrong, do you have any specific reason for this belief or just your experience of other aircraft?
(having posted that, the link looks odd but it takes you straight to a vid posted by Daher).
Thanks - it’s just one of those things, taking me out for a couple of days - thankfully it seems far easier these days than many suffered with earlier in the pandemic.
I don’t think we’re quite on the same wavelength. I know the Kodiak is capable of a really tight turn, I don’t dispute that. My complaint is that this happens with only rudder input in the sim (no braking of one wheel required). I have never flown specifically the Kodiak in real life but is this the case, that it will turn on the spot with only rudder input and no braking?
IRL hitting the brake will allow the wheel to turn about 20 degrees more. We dont know of a way to do it in MSFS yet, so we went with full steering. It is a limitation of the sim or the team -undecided yet.
Out of academic curiosity, how twitchy is this in pitch compared to say the FI Spitfire or the FSReborn Sting?
Ah OK, no worries then. In any case I hope to buy the Honeycomb flight yoke soon and then hopefully I can set the values back to how you guys had them, as it certainly seems you have gone to great lengths to get them just right (including consulting with actual Kodiak pilots).
@PANTSZER To be honest I’ve never tried those aircraft but even the Bonanza with the wonderful G36 Improvement mod I find to be really twitchy in pitch. I find just the slightest movements on my controller for pitch control has the aircraft responding too vigorously (with linear curve settings). Honestly I’m beginning to think it’s my controller (an inexpensive Thrustmaster joystick).
It’s not far off, yes. From what I remember, the aircraft’s mainwheel does not remain stationary during a turn but describes a very small arc, and then when you add different braking it will remain on the one spot. I’d suggest checking this from the external view.
I have a T1600M joystick and I am certain that it does not do me any favors with how aircraft respond in the pitch axis. I need to upgrade but I am just frozen and incapable of making a decision between the honeycomb alpha for a realistic yoke that would match the Kodiak controls, or going deeper for a VKB Gunfighter with an extension to really allow much finer control resolution. I know I would enjoy the Kodiak even more than I do now if I had better equipment to interface with the sim.
The Honeycomb yoke has standard travel in pitch, no different to other yokes.