Hi Fellow Simmers,
How do I check the Bus 1 Voltage? When I go through the checklism, it seems to point me to the PFD, but I don’t know where to go to get this information.
- bob
Hi Fellow Simmers,
How do I check the Bus 1 Voltage? When I go through the checklism, it seems to point me to the PFD, but I don’t know where to go to get this information.
Bottom MFD , press the engine soft key, it will bring up a couple more softkey options, press those, 1 of them brings up the voltage on the lower left of the MFD.
This is definately on NXi not sure about the standard G1000 as I havent used it since WT released the Beta alternative
So the Kodiak 100 is using the awesome GitHub Garmin 1000 mod?
Is the mod already fully functional including the engine details and engine pages?
PMDG Cloudmaster, Carenado Seneca, CRJ700 and of course the new Kodiak 100 are the top-tier study-level aircraft we have been blessed with.
In a different thread I have seen that some bars on the engine gauge in the Kodiak 100 have no description but just a bar going from green to yellow and redline - is the same happening when installing the GitHub G1000 mod too?
Are their plans of modders to recreate a fully accurate simulated G1000 cockpit including the engine pages and engine settings?
No it does not. The Kodiak is compatible with the default MSFS G1000 or the free G1000 Nxi (early acces) from WorkingTitle. This package is exclusively offered via the ingame Marketplace
And WorkingTitle already are the ‘modders’ that are recreating an accurate as possible simulated G1000 Nxi.
Atm it’s not possible to make the engine page completely accurate because it’s still in development.
As long as something is in development, it will get better and even more realistic and superb.