I had picked up Drzewiecki Design’s KRNT awhile ago and finally had a chance to make my way from KEYW to KRNT in the Baron.
With the upcoming release of the PMDG 737 I thought it a good time to visit and check out the plant before I get a chance to jump into the cockpit.
I made my way North first from Key West to Tallahassee, then onto Nashville TN, Frankfort KY, and Columbus OH. From there started my way West. Indiana IN, Springfield IL, Des Moines IO, Lincoln NB, Cheyenne WY, Boise IDA, Salem OR.
This morning I made the final leg from Salem to Renton with a path over Seattle. Unfortunately, due to weather I wasn’t able to see much of Seattle (I guess Grey’s Anatomy is right, it is always cloudy and rainy!).
The approach into Renton was amazing with the clouds moving into the valleys of the mountains before overrunning everything.
I filed an alternate due to weather and was pretty sure I was going to have to fly the missed approach and take the alternate but with 10 feet left the edge of the runway came into site.
Got the Baron down safely and taxied to the FBO where it’s parked now.
Unfortunately won’t be able to tour the place for a bit due to family visiting
Hoping the weather clears up in the next day or so as I also purchased Drzewiecki Design’s Seattle Landmarks and want to do a little VFR around the city.
Happy Easter everyone!