Has this been reported yet? Just loaded up Sedona Airport and has wonky mesh bugs. I’m not running any mesh addons
contact support
It has been happening since even before the release of the sim, what fixes it most of the time is reloading
restarting the sim fixes the mesh?
Sometimes just restaring the flight from the main menu so just go back to the world map and restart the flight from there if that doesnt work restarting the sim might work
Sometimes clearing your Rolling Cache does the job as well…
Had you installed any addons immediately prior to that?
The reason I ask is last year I bought a couple of these Idaho airstrip addons from the Marketplace. I then started a flight only to find the runway on one of them was this bumpy mess that was impossible to taxi on let alone take off. I ended the flight, closed MSFS, then reloaded the flight. This time it looked as it should.
i have many addons (bought and free), however for this flight i was going from Asobo airport to Asobo airport so didn’t actually have any sceneries installed. but i did have some vfr objects and g1000nxi
Just made a flight to Sedona and noticed that there are ridiculous high trees right at the thresholds of both runways. That makes the landing a bit… challenging and unrealistic.
I have no idea what happened to KSEZ and the surrounding scenery… I used to fly here a lot, I haven’t been back in a while. I was doing some pattern work today in the 182RG II and couldn’t believe how ugly Sedona has become.
The trees around KSEZ are an awful lime green mixed with the normal darker, brownish-green trees in the sim. I don’t remember the trees being so “streaky/contrasty” here at all. This was where the training tutorials looked so good a few years ago… As well I was getting tiles popping in and out, and bad LOD on the rocks in the distance. You can see the satellite image border as one big tile. What on earth did MS/Asobo do?!
I have deleted my rolling cash, restarted my router and system. No sceneries for the area installed.
Does everyone else get this terrain issue at the Sedona airport restaurant, and unwanted autogen buildings?
did you uninstall the base sedona airport?
If I uninstall the one and only Asobo KSEZ that’s in my Content Manager, I end up with clearly auto-gen and completely inaccurate KSEZ, far worse than this. This one seems to remove most autogen buildings but apparently not all of them. This should be the Standard edition Sedona KSEZ, I disabled all other scenery mods.
If anyone has the X-Codr Designs KSEZ, does it fix this issue (and do you also get the issue using the Asobo KSEZ)?