Kunming Airport confusion (ZPPP)

Brief description of the issue:

So, after crashing twice in Kunming in my little Airbus in almost zero visibility I decided to turn off that nasty weather and have a look.

The problem is that the flight plan takes you to the old airport (ZPPP - which was closed down in 2012), but the ILS is set for the new airport (ZPPP - north of the city). The new airport isn’t in the flight planner as far as I can tell.

In the cockpit things get really confusing in bad weather, cause the ILS is all over the place but not when and where you expect it to be, depending on the approach. Once you reach the city, the ILS is useless and you’re landing on a closed runway (big yellow crosses on it, nice detail…)

And the new airport looks like the following screenshot.

Provide Screenshot(s)/video(s) of the issue encountered:

So beware… even if you figure out the problems and really want to land in Kunming, you’re doomed… unless you do a visual approach on the old airport… the strip is still there…

Shame really, cause it’s a nice airport to look at:


I do see a bit of that building back in my screenshot, but landing seems impossible.

It’s not just ZPPP airport. But actually a lot of airports in China all have similar issues. Like outdated data, and non-existing satellite image, incorrect navaids and ILS.

But I think it’s understandable when you think of it. A lot of information about China landscape and airport details are not necessarily public. They’re very restricted about satellite images being taken, so a lot of the satellite images that we get in Bing are in poor quality. It’s not really Bing’s fault though, they’re merely following the restrictions being imposed on them. And it’s not just Bing, but Google maps are getting the same restrictions.

If you want the proper ZPPP, you need to install this mod:

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Well, I’m not sure if I’m as accommodating in understanding. Clearly the new airport shows up, and they should have knowledge the old airport is closed. Even the ILS knows it. I don’t mind though… I can understand it’s an oversight, with the sheer number of airports ‘todo’. But I don’t think China is to blame in this case.

Thanks for the suggestion though, looks like a nice mod!

YEP same problem here lol

impossible to land on even during the day!

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Brave attempt though!

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have you tried the mod? or shall i just give up and cancel this FSEconomy job lol

No not yet. It looked nice enough, but after reading some reviews and install instructions (you apparently have to delete some base files) I backed out.

You can still land on the old strip though… I managed that the first time, despite ATC telling me to go around. It’s like 20 miles south of the new airport, in the middle of the city.

ah yeah I was looking at it on google maps, couldn’t even see a runway, then I noticed the new airport to the north, I did a go around on the first attempt, the second attempt is what you saw in the video, I had no idea what was coming lol

I had the same problem. Three times in really bad weather with almost zero visibility, and every time the ILS and flightplan conflicting. So when it started going south the third time, I had enough of it and cleared the weather. Then I finally understood why it wasn’t working… when I saw that bumpy misery of the new airport :slight_smile:

yeah fortunately it was from ZUXC so it was only a 20min hop, has it been reported to zendesk?

Well, not by me. I gathered if this got enough votes they would pick up on it.

Can’t imagine it having high priority. Lot of work probably too, to fix that new airport.

I feel in general the emphasis is on the U.S. and Europe anyway. Not sure if that’s a fair assessment, but maybe they go where the money is. We’ll see what they put out in their next World Update.

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