Landing weight in G5000 in Longitude

I am learning the Longitude and the G5000 avioncs suite. I enter my flight plan into the G5000 (usually don’t use the world map except for the setting the departure airport/gate). I can set the takeoff weight (pulls the data correctly from the sim) and have the FMC calculate the takeoff distance and V-speeds correctly.

Two questions realted to configuration of the landing data:

  1. Does the FMC have the ability to estimate Landing weight based on the entered flight plan route, and calcuate the associated V-speeds? I’m guessing not since there is nowhere to enter any en-route wind/weather data. Is there any published data available where I can manually calulate fuel burn based on my route, altitude etc? I don’t use simbrief.

  2. After enterning my flight plan in the FMC, when I go to the landing data page I have to re-enter the destination to pull the METAR and runway info etc. Seems like this should automatically populate from the flight plan, to eliminate additonal button pushing?

I have looked in the Garmin G5000 Cockpit Reference Guide (albeit for a Citation 560XL) and neither of these items appear to be mentioned.
