The model is just stunning! And it’s a rare plane I haven’t heard of, but add this one! It looks almost like a fantasy version of 1940ish flying boat – love those retractable outrigger floats.
Great points above about the water handling. With all of these flying boats, hopefully MS/Asobo will prioritize more realistic water handling and wakes for the next sim update.
I understand completely your feeling, and the lack of place of departure to be able to take off from the water…
But on the other hand you have to look at the good side of things. I think this plane is the true definition of a legend, it’s almost something mysterious… I mean, look at that line and that nose, it’s unique, you can’t find that anywhere else.
You could follow Pilots’ lead (B314) and develop a few seaplane bases to release it with that it really flew out of. Or maybe suggest to Jorg to have Gaya do it. Make sure to put dock parking spaces on it (Pilots didn’t realize that at first, but added them in the first update)
And, me, I’m all for Legends planes being legends… Old stuff barely anyone knows about. Love this one. There’s the expert series and other planes being developed for people who aren’t into the old stuff.
Edit: Heck, I’ll create some for you, even better if you’d tell me where to make them, and possibly make some models for me to add where appropriate (you had the nice dock in the video, so I imagine you already have some made?). I imagine you’ve got some photos I could use to help? (Happy to do it for free)
Hey, I doubt I could add scenes to the airplane package, it’s possible but I don’t think it would be accepted. The original place of the factories were located at Biscarosse, there is already a “runway” on the sim (LFB4) but no docking place.
I tend to fly much much smaller planes, but after seeing the video I can’t wait for this. Such a nice model . And that cockpit in VR must be pretty insane.
Can’t wait to get it. I listening the totally amazing video footage (congrats Jimmy) with so nice music. I read the entire story of this flying boat and now I have so much scenarios for it. As I can’t reproduce the real routes (much too long), I’ll use it as a cruise flying ship from island to island over a week duration with the same passengers. Flight ranging from 3 to 5 hours each. That will be cool.
Thanks you so much for this great addition to the sim. Details are amazing.