Latency has increased in Virtual Desktop

Over the past week latency in VD seems to have risen without any reason. I have not altered anything on my setup. Anybody else experiencing the same or have a solution?

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if you are talking about network latency it might be caused by a congested WIFI network. People living is dense area can expect wifi performance to be slower because of the shared frequencies.

Which latency increased? Game / encode / network / decode ?

Yes today after the update, and I updated last night. And this is in 2020 solely. I don’t run 2024 since the first week debacle to put it mildly. Today in 2020 VR was extremely terrible. Anytime ATC came in for me or another AC ( and I use BATC ) not MS ATC. I bailed out of VR and ATC was fine. Not sure what the issue was but I did get my first notification of OFFLINE. SOMEBODY MS or Asobo needs to get there ■■■■ together,

During the last week my VR experiences now turned into a stutterfest every 10 seconds