There’s already a thread gaining votes, I encourage you to add a comment a d vote yourself to help raise awareness of this glaring issue.
Basically, bank angle and turn rate is now broken. Makes it impossible to fly IFR procedures such as holds/sector entries & circling approaches, on the AP.
The funny thing is that with an issue so critical as this, one person reporting to Zendesk should be all that is necessary. Why would you have to wait for a number of reports before you look into it. Good business sense would surely be to check it out immediately and report back to the community that it has been checked and identified if it has been found to be a bug. At least we would feel included. They always say how much they respect our feedback but not in actions.
Maybe for them it’s not that critical, or they just don’t think it’s a bug.
It’s like the cloud, right now they think it’s because of users setting, but with more and more reports on Zendesk about the same issue with proof, they will have no choice but to investigate deeper.
Yes, that would be great. but sadly it’s not the case. like during the Q&A session where only 2-3% of the questions were answered, both on live and on the forum later. I don’t see the point in posting there anymore…
Yup. It’s very clear that their are either not testing properly or thoroughly. Or are not testing to proper “flight simulation first and foremost” standards that they claimed this game was developed under.
To date. This “simulator” has missed the mark. And it’s not a close miss either.