Latest update from Microsoft June 25

I turned on the game today and was asked to install update it installed 50 gb out of 80 it then stopped so i canceled the update and now it as completely erased the whole game form the xbox this is the second time this as happened in the last few weeks!!!

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A friend of mine (@cyclicalobsessv), installed this on his PC and it nuked all his settings, including graphical controller, and so forth, back to the Stone Age, and he was forced to reconfigure everything from scratch.

I don’t know if it’s the same thing, but it was back on Friday, June 23rd.


I just installed it myself and it did not appear to affect anything.

I also installed the Ford Trimotor and the update to World Update IV, France, Belgium, (etc.)

I have not yet restarted the sim, hopefully that won’t affect anything.