Latest update just broke FS2024

the latest update just broke FS2024, I’m unable to finish a flight. Tried everything, deactivated 3rd party adds, nothing works…

The same thing is happening here, I’ve been trying different things all day and nothing works, planes and helicopters that were working a week ago are not working anymore. In short ‘fix’ if you can say that they have fixed something to break 20 that were working perfectly.

Hi :wave:

I’m afraid we’ll need more information if we want to try to help resolve your issue.

May I ask, as a starter, what do you mean by being unable to finish a flight ? Do you experience CTD, or Freeze ? Are you playing a particular mission, or a freeflight in a specifi place of the world ? What variations have you tried that make you feel that it is a constant issue ?


MSFS 2020 isnt working either, most likely server issues

The entire MSFS server infrastructure is having issues, FS2020 and 2024. There are multiple threads discussing in various forum sections. The forum moderators are aware - I don’t know why there isn’t a forum banner/notification about it yet. Been going on for a couple hours at least.

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Yeah I’m not sure what’s going on. FS2024 is stuck on 0%. Last night is was really choppy and not smooth at all. Now it won’t even load.

Everything is down. You can log in, but you can’t do missions, free flights, nothing. Even MSFS 2020 is down. Did Asobo create a monster they can’t support?

I updated in FS2024 yesterday with no issue and am flying today with no issue. Doing a career mission as I type:

Could you provide more details on the issue that prevents you to complete a flight ?

I made freeflights, after 1 hour, I got a freeze, no CTD at all, but after 20 minutes waiting I closed it by the task manager.

3 flight from different locations to LFSB (I had FSdreamteam LFSB installed, but removed it, what didn’t change anything.

Here the latest report
ContextUID=-3167562449799033812 #0xD40A8EBBFFDCCC2C
MemInfoUID=-6581454158842437551 #0xA4A9FA5004ADE051

Maybe you need it totally?

Thanks for the reply \o/

This code is well known, and unfortunately it tells not much - or to be exact, too much.

The code 0xC0000005ys : “the program tried to access something, but could not complete this access”. And mate, it can be a whole range of thing. A file that was unavailable, something supposedly sotred in your RAM that was indeed not stored there. And it could even be in your VRAM (video card RAM) if I’m right.

To my knowledge, this happens often with overcloacked computers / graphic cards. It also happens very often when users are running the sim with too much details, were the computer can’t cope and slowly start to remove things from its memory to try to do its best.

If you search this code through the forums or, or on Internet, you might find some things to try.

Hope its getting better for you, later.


All the complaining broke the servers. The servers are sensitive that way :rofl:


Thanks for the quick answer, none of my CPU R7 3700X or GPU RX 7900XTX are overclocked, maybe could it be related to the fact that I use simbrief to insert the flightplan?

Moved to User Support Hub that is more appropriate for community support.

To be fair, xbox was down, not just flight sim.

Hey :wave:

Yep, to be honest, the “0xc0000005” is so generic that it could be anything, including for example a mod (plane) which would store the simbrief data in a file but forget to save it then try to access it later. It’s very simple to make full stories that are compatible with this infamous code, that’s why I hate it.

The first thing I ask friends suffering from this : try to make a flight with “low” settings on the graphics. If it changes something, then we get onto the long path of “getting up to better graphical settings, step by step”. It often does the trick.

Also, standard debug technics like “please check you’ve got no add-on and no external software connected to your simulator” sometimes help. The external softwares (Simlink, LittleNavMap, FSUIPC, …) are rarely the bug, but they put pressure on your config that triggers the code.

I have to say it clearly also, all these softwares should be up-to-date. But there sometimes are exception, it’s been a thing in the past not to have the latest NVidia drivers; I don’t know if it’s a thing with the current drivers, though, but anyway with an RX7900XTX you’re not very concerned :stuck_out_tongue: (but you may want to check if your graphic drivers are up-to-date).

Basically, anything that runs on your PC can be blocking MSFS to access a file (or a “page” in your RAM / VRAM). Any of them can be suspect.
