I successfully flew the first leg of Nordheim Missions Colorado River after purchasing to check if everything was working. I went back after a few MSFS updates and restarted that leg, but stressed the aircraft. When I try to restart from there, the aircraft is in an unstable setting and immediately crashes. If I return to the main menu and go through custom content, the plane is airborne, but I cannot make all the the corrections in time to prevent crashing again, I chose to start the leg over, but was frustrated to the point of walking away from MSFS for a while and do a jigzaw puzzle. The puzzle is almost done so I fired up MSFS again to find another mandatory update. I Installed the update and ran the first leg of the Colorado River mission. The plane is on the ground at the first airport, but the engine immediately stalls out with a low oil pressure warning. I went back to settings and verified that everything is in reality mode. I never read https://flightsimulator.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360017133940-All-versions-How-to-install-a-new-update-safely, so never did these steps. It appears to be a lot of work do do every time a new update is installed and raises the question if it is worth installing add-ons, purchased or not, while the main program is still in flux. I waited two years before purchasing MSFS2020, but it appears that was not long enough. I would expect MSFS2024 to be a free upgrade since we are all unpaid beta-testers!