Latest Update: What Parts of the Sim use CPU and What Parts use GPU

I haven’t seen anything on the topic in here that’s current, so could someone who’s in the know provide a quick breakdown of what parts of the sim are CPU dependent and what parts are GPU?


The GPU creates all of the graphics frames to be displayed on the monitor(s). The rest of the sim uses the CPU(s). The CPU and the GPU can dynamically shift some processing to the other (managed by Windows and the GPU scheduler. This is transparent to the application.

Something like this? Breaks down impact on CPU vs GPU:


I’m looking for more specifics, and current information. Everything I’m finding in the forums is either from early after release date or incomplete.

For example- is LOD CPU or GPU dependent? What about cloud resolution? Texture resolution? Those kinds of specifics.

The link provided by @PoseyNarker provides exactly that. Fold open one of the settings, and you’ll see a couple of screenshots, under that it details how CPU/GPU are effected.

It might be an older post, but I don’t think too much has changed settings wise.

Hey - this stuff is in there if you look closely.

I get that guys, but I’m just looking for a general list. My eyes are tired from all the tech stuff I’ve been diving into this week. I just wanted a short general list. Thanks anyway.