Hello simmers!
The freeware scenery is available for download: https://flightsim.to/file/6642/le-touquet-cote-d-opale-lfat
Le Touquet – Côte d’Opale Airport (IATA: LTQ, ICAO: LFAT) is an international airport located in the north of France. LFAT has a control and weather service, pilot and tourist shop, refueling facilities, air maintenance companies and pilot training. A long runway (1850 meters / 6000 ft) ILS and RNP approaches, on site Customs service and located just at the north coast line, all these elevates Le Touquet airport as a perfect entry gateway for UK pilots and their passengers, to visit France. Caution, the airport can likely be covered by sea haze in few minutes!
This upgrade for the default Microsoft Flight Simulator scenery features :
- New buildings to replace all default.
- New textures on hangars and buildings
- All taxiway names and taxiways signs updated.
- Parking re-positioned and re-designed. Most are “Dock_Ga” type to remove unrealistic ground support except for 3 of them on main apron close the terminal to match as much as possible reality.
- Parking lines and helipad added.
- Plenty of asphalt patches on taxiways and apron to enhance immersion from a pilot perspective.
- Real pilot as real as it gets special → the old decommissioned railway, which cross taxiway T3, is recreated and simulates the bumps… Test it with a Robin DR400!
- Crossing the decommissioned 25 runways required - as well - to slow down if you are concerned by prop strike

- Terraforming along La Canche river (and at the main Le Touquet beach just for fun)
- New PAPI added and ILS facilities.
- Waste water treatment plan added to enhance the final 31.
- Fuel station repositioned and redesigned.
- Main public car parks redesigned and populated on landside.
The freeware scenery is available for download: https://flightsim.to/file/6642/le-touquet-cote-d-opale-lfat
Finally, the version 2.3 brings the iconic color of the control tower.
Sidenote : as a first time scenery developper (started this January), it tooks me some much time to build this single object from scratch (the top part is a free 3D object) that now I imagine the skill and time needed to produce professional grade scenery!
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The new version 2.4 includes enhancement on La Canche river and Le Touquet beaches. This version tends to simulate a low tide time, clearing of water areas in La Canche estuary on the default but outstanding photorealistic satellite texture.
A big thank you to the community ! Le Touquet for MSFS has been downloaded more than 8000 times, entered the top 10 most-downloaded Regional Airports in flightsim.to and is ranking third scenery for France.
And for those asking why there’re holes and bump when taxiing at LFAT, look at this video I’ve made after flying for real in Le Touquet in a C172 G1000 :
The next version (Work-in-Progress) will include a new custom 3D building for the main terminal. Half way to go as only the airside is finished.
New version 3.0 of my amateur scenery is available. Enjoy as much as I did during the Blender/MSFS process ! Le Touquet Côte d'Opale (LFAT) » Microsoft Flight Simulator
version 3.0.1 released : bug fixes, new textures on entrance, the rooftop “Les frères Caudron”
New update available with brand new buildings first floor of control tower and a lot of small details thanks to local simmers who provided me some pictures.
Arnaud H., a local simmer, shared new pictures of the entrance gate, airside. Here are his pictures in the sim with the 3.0.6 of LFAT 
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The version 3.1 has just been released with two major fixes. The runway 13/31 is no more limited to runway 13. My bad, I’ve ticked the wrong box.
And the second fix is something that impacted some users for months with the ILS 13 offset one degree to the right. Again, a wrong parameter I set months ago. My apologies!
Free to download, enjoy: Le Touquet Côte d'Opale (LFAT) » Microsoft Flight Simulator
Just for the fun, I’ve updated the scenery for the Winter Season
: Le Touquet Côte d'Opale (LFAT) » Microsoft Flight Simulator
A lot of updates have been published since I post news on this thread : new up to date textures for the terminal (after flying here in real to make some shots), new detail at airside entrance, remove fake centerline lights… too much to list here. Here’s the one of today, with a bug fix on the main Terminal building.
Free to download Le Touquet Côte d'Opale (LFAT) for Microsoft Flight Simulator | MSFS
New approach lighting system on runway 13 in the new version 3.2.2 just released. And just for the end of the year season… and for fun 
Free to download at Le Touquet Côte d'Opale (LFAT) for Microsoft Flight Simulator | MSFS
New version of Le Touquet (LFAT) is now available. The real airport has been officially renamed “Le Touquet - Elizabeth II International Airport”. New signs and letters (on roof of the terminal) has been set. As much as in real life!
Free to download at : Le Touquet - Elizabeth II International Airport (LFAT) for Microsoft Flight Simulator | MSFS
Thanks to passionate Arnaud H. last days real photos, here are small updates to reflect the last change at this regional airport, north of France. The new signs airside and entrance side are now 99% similar to reality as well as new French Customs banner and the Orbifly signs.
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Here we go for night arrivals at Le Touquet - Elizabeth II International Airport
Per user’s feedback on flightsim.to, I’ve added lights on several buildings.
Go enjoy for free: https://flightsim.to/file/6642/le-touquet-cote-d-opale-lfat
PS: just discover that ThresholdX featured LFAT. Whaouu! I’m famous
: No Money Mondays: Le Touquet - Elizabeth II International Airport by Vbazillo - Threshold
Enjoy version 3.3 compatible with MSFS2024 and with improvements for MSFS2020 (PC) : https://flightsim.to/file/6642/le-touquet-cote-d-opale-lfat
- Add Aeroclub du Touquet public sign

- Add Zone Aeroportuaire sign

- Replace buildings compatible with MSFS2020/2024
- Align object with updated Bing image (MSFS2024)
- Fix texture transparency
- Fix and optimize Control Tower object
- Fix invasive Vegetation