Left Rudder on Takeoff

Let’s assume that Asobo has the physics correct (I’m not 100% certain of that). Like a lot of other things in FS2020, even if the physics are right the effects are WAYYYY!!! overdone, to the point of being stupid. The same issues exists when taxing, albeit to a lesser extent only because your going slower (unless your a Southwest pilot :smile:)

Aileron input into the wind on takeoff is the same situation. Crank in a little and your standing on a wing.

I have several 100’s of hours in 152’s, 172’s and PA’s. Folks, they DO NOT ground handle like FS2020 simulates, they just don’t. Heck, to a somewhat lesser extent they DO NOT handle in the air like simulated in 2020. We can argue about this and that but at the end of the day, it’s either wrong, overdone, or both.

It really, really needs to be addressed. I think there was mention in the release notes that the Premium aircraft were being unlocked for moders. I hope so, but I fear there is only so much they will be able to due because the problem is in the code (that’s just a guess on my part btw)


As several others have explained you have at least in some cases been experiencing ‘weathervaning’ on the ground. The fact that you need to reverse rudder once airborne is a strong indicator of this.

If you are uncertain if the windsocks are correct then use the wind vector on the G1000 or an external app like LittleNavMap to confirm wind direction and strength.

The main culprit seems to be a lack of contact friction from the tyres to resist wind effects (plus some erratic and over sensitive rudder inputs). Asobo have recognised this and are working to improve it.

It’s definitely the most annoying feature of the SIM. Landings are just never what they should be if there is even a gentle cross wind.

In the second video, we can see the wind from the right and almost 3 windsock marks, so it was 9-12 knots from 2 o’clock (7.7-10.3 knots from your right).

However the ground physics are broke, no friction at all.

A wind from 2 o’clock is barely going to do anything. The crosswind component is very little from 2 o’clock. And aileron correction on the ground roll doesn’t work in the sim. The plane literally almost tips over.

Yep! 100% correct.

Possible in some cases. It is definitely not the culprit. With the right crosswind (and by “right” I mean in specific cases), no rudder is required. I never have to use right rudder.

I use ForeFlight for weather info.

That is for sure an issue.

Perhaps I should not have just assumed it wasn’t a peripherals issue. I’ll reset my rudder pedals tomorrow (I have the Saitek running through FSUIPC7), perhaps I shouldn’t have discounted the possibility of an issue. I would expect to continue seeing it airborne if my rudder settings are messed up, but I’ll recalibrate them and see.

There are many reported bugs with rudder inputs. And some peripheral specific too. There is a handy tool on flightsim.to that will show you in an on-screen window what flight control inputs are present - very useful if you suspect a peripheral issue.

It may be a 152 flight model issue. I know CFD implementation did weird things to the 172, but didn’t think they had implemented that on the 152 yet. I don’t fly it very much - I usually fly the Kodiak, CJ4 or PMDG 737. Weathervaning is an issue in all of them.

Never seen a windsock blowing thre wrong way, but I’ll keep an eye out!

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If you are in a high wing plane, it definitely matters. In the Twin Otter, for example, in a crosswind the upwind wing being raised is very pronounced if you don’t roll into the wind.

In comparison, the Cessna 414AW, a low wing, seems to require next to no roll into wind, though rudder is still needed.

Thanks for sharing this! As I said, because there are no issues airborne, I have just assumed that it’s the sim that is the problem and nothing in my setup.

The windsock issue is very odd, it happens at some airports. It may just be at custom airports, actually, but it was happening for a while at TQPF, which is custom, and where at least half my flights start or end.

And I apologize for my attitude earlier. I often lament the tone online, and I should be conscientious that it starts with all of us, including me.

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Could very well be it! I fly high wings a lot. In fact I usually don’t even bother with crosswind aileron inputs on takeoff, and I may never have even tried it in the Warrior or Arrow.

Incidentally, how dk you like the 414?

I appreciate that so thank you. I know it’s frustrating when people seem not to be listening to your problem. We are all here to help. Hope you get to the bottom of it. I have some Logitech pedals and I’m gonna be replacing them as soon as I can afford to get some Charlies as they are pretty gash!

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The 414 is really good. My only complaint is some oddity with the rudder, and longitudinal stability, if that is the right term. If you have ever flown the BBS Islander it feels like that.

If you watch the slip indicator, unless you are at cruise it will almost always show you need right rudder. Weirdly if you slowly apply right rudder, through to almost full right rudder it will still show you need more right rudder.

Also, if you apply a lot of rudder rapidly, the aircraft nose will kind of shake its head, oscillating from right to left. This feels exactly like the Islander does when rolling into a turn.

So unless you use the yaw damper it makes remaining coordinated at non-cruise speeds a bit of a chore. Some of this may come from it not having counter-rotating props. A significant amount of right rudder is needed on climb out.

With other planes I fly it’s possible to enter turns without using the ailerons at all. That doesn’t work so well with the 414. You have to apply a lot of rudder to instigate a turn.

All that said, it’s my favourite plane at the moment, with decent systems depth.

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Thank you, that’s kind of you to accept my apology.

I’ve been thinking about the Charlie’s but I kind of wonder how much a difference rudder pedals can make? Then again I fly exclusively light GA, so maybe I’m underestimating. I’ve had my Saiteks for at least a decade. And the Alpha and Bravo are just amazing!

Yeah it’s funny you mention that, you could fly the 152 without the yoke almost! I have the Islander and love it. I’m a bit of a Caribbean obsessive, and Anguilla Air Services fly the Islander and they have a 414, both of which I’ve rode in more than a few times in real life. So I’m really thinking about the 414.

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Sounds like we have much the same setup. I couldn’t believe how much better the Alpha was compared to my Logitech yoke. I mean yeah, for something we use not that much $350 is a lot. But I like flying light GA the most too and so I guess it’s worth it.

But I do wish Asobo would get on and sort this friction thing out. People have been pointing it out since day 1.


I thought the same about the Saitek as well until the first time I landed 28 at TNCM with the full 180-degree yoke range rather than the scaled logic of the Saitek. It is amazing. And having my planes set up with the Bravo and all the switches and lights, I’m in a club with a Cessna 150 and a Cherokee 180 and have them modeled so close (albeit with the 152 and Warrior) it’s amazing. I run all my checklists and flows from both planes and when I get in the real plane after a few weeks off it’s like not missing a beat.


Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?

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Since su10 beta my rudders are all over the place when taking off, cannot keep plane in a line, i also lost all my controller settings…rudder assistance in on and off does not help, when i leave su10 beta all settings return to normal.

The G1000 is unable to report wind while on the ground.

If left rudder is needed to stay on centerline, try to turn off live weather and fly with wind calm. You will notice that no left rudder is needed but rigth rudder for the adverse yaw effect. With wind present the left rudder inuput is due to incorrect physics within the sim…

Just made a live flight into EDFC. 10 knots crosswind component, gusting 15
The C172 needs full rudder and is still not controlable on the ground! Which is wrong in itself. On the ground the wheels keep the aircraft on track and not much rudder is needed. In reality it needs a lot of aileron, lesser as speed increases. Not simulated at all!

Looking at the weather menu the wind says something about m/s which should be kts! But looking into the described scenario above I think the sim did not simulate 10 to 15 knots, but 10 to 15 m/s! This would be 20 to 30 knots. But still a real C172 will not need full rudder on ground!

Basically the whole wind simulation at and near ground is messed up and has nothing to do with reality. Needs complete rework.