Left vs. Right Downwind ATC Calls

Pretty sure this applies to all platforms -

I think I have found out that when you call ATC and say:
“Airport, Cessna whatever, 5 miles southeast, inbound to land.”

They say:
“Cessna whatever, enter left downwind runway 9.”

I believe they should be saying:
“Cessna whatever, enter right downwind for runway 9”. Unless ATC is expecting me to fly the left crosswind leg over to the left downwind. I’m not sure. (I DO know ATC is generally screwed up, but it has been improving somewhat).

After so many of these, I believe I found the problem is simply: the word “left” should be switched with “right”. I’m thinking this somehow got messed up early on. I noticed nearly every time I apply this, if the words were switched it would be correct.

Regardless if left or right downwind, ATC will always clear you to land when abeam of the threshold anyway, but, I find it a bit annoying and (I think) easily fixable.



Are you saying that your charts show that runway at that airport has a right pattern, but they cleared you to enter a left pattern?

If you’re unfamiliar with the jargon of left and right patterns, see this PDF from the FAA:

Hello @Gryper3379,
When reporting bugs, please do not delete the provided template.

I believe this may have been brought up before. I will need to check.

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No. I assume the airports/ATC are not observing whether or not the Airport Facilities Directory indicates a left or right traffic pattern. I assume the sim would be telling you to enter right or left based on bearing from the airport. This has been my (limited 60hrs) experience in real life. I flew at KJXN for a time, and they would just clear us to whatever side of the runway was nearest to us inbound.

The reason I ask is, most runways have left patterns so it’s normal to be advised to enter on the left.

They’re not telling you “downwind that is left” or “downwind that is right”, they’re telling you “downwind” and “left”.

Both left and right patterns have a standard entry at the downwind leg:

Ok, thanks. I’m not sure what they got going on here with this.

Yeah, I am aware of all of this. I am just wondering if the sim is aware of it, and to what degree. And like I said, I notice if they change left to right and visa versa, it is correct (for the purposes of flying the nearside entry anyway). Thanks again.

It should be aware, yes. If it’s not, that’s a bug in the nav data for that particular runway. That it’s telling you “left” most of the time is correct.

I suppose I/you could test it on airfields with a right only entry, as per the AFD.

Please do.

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I’ll give it a shot next time I’m on and report back.

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I don’t think the in-game ATC knows or cares about the difference. The two airports I fly in and out of most often have both left and right traffic patterns, depending on the runway. The game’s ATC always uses the left-hand pattern.

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To enter a left downwind for Runway 9, from outside of the airport traffic pattern enter the downwind leg at a 45° angle which would be 225°. Fly 225° until entering the downwind leg of 270°. Turn to a heading of 180° For the base leg then turn 90° when entering the final. This is what ATC (and other pilots in the traffic pattern) expect you to fly.

If you enter a right hand traffic pattern instead, you’d be flying a head-on collision course on the base leg heading right towards anyone on the left hand base.

I did a quick test at KFUL, which has a right pattern for rw 24. Set the wind to 270 deg 5 knots to force the runway selection, hopped in the air, and asked to land – they assigned me a left pattern to 24. ;_;

Oh well! (Don’t know whether that’s a general limitation or if data is hit and miss.)

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I wasn’t aware that it even references any data. I just assumed it was just as half-baked as the rest of the ATC implementation.

Yeah, that’s what I figured. I didnt think it followed any Navigraph information.

Well, now you go me thinking, and I am trying to remember if I have ever heard a “enter right” traffic call. Maybe it’s all left-hand patterns. I’ll keep an eye out for it.

And all of this isnt a big deal. Just a suggestion I made for smoother operation. Maybe they’ll get this right in the coming updates.

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Yeah I was thinking I’ve definitely done some right patterns but now that I think of it that was probably at an untowered airport so I did it myself. :wink:


Last night I took off from Toronto Downtown airport CYTZ runway 8. I highly doubt the traffic pattern is left turns because you would be right over skyscrapers. Yet, I was told to make left downwind for 8. Lol

Probably not high on the priority list for fixing I bet.

It is called the “Toronto Tour”…

According to airnav.com, it shows 8/26 both having left hand traffic patterns. But according to Jeppesen, Rwys 6 and 8 both have right hand traffic patterns. Flip a coin!