LHsimulations Budapest (LHBP) crashes to desktop

Hi everyone,

Sine thursday, I think, the marketplace in MSFS offers a Budapest airport scenery. (LHBP, Liszt Ferenc Airport). Ihave purchased it. It looks good so far. But there is a CTD issue when I want to set LHBP as my departure airport. If I choose a gate position as the spawn point the simulator crashes to desktop during loading the simulator. Has anyone this problem too?

Greetings from Germany,
Jens, Dresden (EDDC)


Did you filter out everything else that could cause CTD? OC (tuning) off, all other addons except (!!), cash, rolling cash off ?

works fine for me

Works fine for me. Is the issue repeatable or at a specific gate? Havr you tried different aircraft. Did A flight out of there yesterday with the flybywire A320 with no issue

Guess thats another addon/scenery that is near to lhbp. Clean your community folder. There are no ctd reports for lhbp.

Thanks to all. Ihave sorted out three freeware airport sceneries in the area of Romania. Since the the LHBP scenery starts up without problems…

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Hi, I have just experienced CTD while using Hungary VFR 0.5 (without LHBP folder). but without anything else in the area. I hope that it gets resolved one day.

Fact that it is not compatible with some Romanian airports is bit sad, what with flight from Bucharest or Cluj to Budapest…

EDIT: Hungary VFR does not seem to be a problem, I have noticed that I forgot about Cluj in community folder. Indeed there seems to be a conflict with those Romanian airports. It is weird.