Hi All,
I think we largely agree that night lighting after Update 5 is much much better, so thanks to Asobo for that!
However there are a couple pain points I hope we can get attention on…
Airport lighting is TOO BRIGHT. Ask anyone who has flown at night, when you’re looking for the airport in a city, you look for the dark patch. Runway lighting is only really obvious when you’re lined up on the runway. From other angles its not any brighter than streetlights. An exception for approach end strobes and such which are visible easily from a considerable distance.
Taxiway lighting is WAY too bright and visible from way too far away… Taxiway lighting is barely noticeable from a distance, you really only see it when taxing. I should not see the taxiways from 8 miles out.
(related to #2) I notice the red lights on top of tall towers (especially wind generation turbines) are visible from way too far away… A wind farm at 20 miles looks like a wildfire in MSFS, this should not be true. So I think there is an issue with how far individual lights are visible from. I hope this can be addressed in a patch soon, because night lighting made a huge leap forward with update #5, and if we can just control how far away some lights can be seen, I think it’ll be perfect.
Thanks for your time.