Let me start off by saying it’s really cool how lightning was incorporated into live weather. I was flying out of Minneapolis yesterday when storms were rolling through, and finally saw lightning. It was awesome!
However; lightning seems to be appearing in places were you wouldn’t really ever see lightning. Lightning was flashing from clouds that were barely a couple hundred feet thick. I feel like you shouldn’t see lightning from a cloud only 100 feet tall.
Lastly, is anyone not seeing rain in live weather? I’ve never seen a single drop when I have live weather turned on and I’m in an area with widespread rain in real life.
I had the same issue over Japan. Three small tiny white clouds on the entire sky and bolts of lightning everywhere with some pretty loud thunders. Hmmm maybe we should report it as a bug?
There is rain. Had it a few times.
Edit: After further investigation of the topic, it is perfectly possible and not uncommon to see lightnings like that.
“Some lightning bolts can appear to hit from a clear blue sky. A “Bolt from the Blue” is a cloud-to-ground lightning bolt, which comes from the side of the thunderstorm cloud and travels through clear air away from the storm, eventually striking the ground. They can strike tens of kilometers from the thunderstorm, under the clear, blue sky, hence the name.”
Saw rain prior this this patch. Never since.
I also had this bug. Almost clear weather on Live weather with random lightning going on
I also get lighting when the skies are almost clear… and sometimes it shoots upwards from the clouds. I get random lightning almost on every flight now (I’ve been flying mostly in Asia and Europe, and just entering west Africa now, same issue).
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I had rain last night post-patch, could even hear the drops pelting the canopy.
Please upvote this known issue here -> Lightning in mostly sunny skies
Yep, it’s way over the top.
Not only the frequency of thunderstorms, but the lightning/thunder seems to be set to ‘monsoon / apocalyptic’ for each storm.
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I had done some testing pre-patch and posted those findings Here concerning the rain issue. Make sure to scroll down as there are multiple posts & tests.
Unfortunately, yesterday I had flown into CYYC from KDEN into what was supposed to be really bad weather and did not experience precipitation. My original theory was that this was related to not having a rolling cache set up. When I get home, I’ll confirm whether that rolling cache had filled up or not.
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about week israel north and now all israel in game show storm weather
Flew from Launeston to Hobart, 40 minutes, half overcast and counted 16 lightning strikes. It is too frequent.
If there is the slightest overcast you will encounter lightning.
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Did a KCLT -> KCLE yesterday in the A320 in real weather. In KCLT I had overcast with thunder and lightning (they seem a bit over the top now, they are almost everywhere there is bad weather) and then I landed in the rain in KCLE. I remember water running on the cockpit windshield.