Little Navmap Can Now Use Google Maps

Just noticed that Little Navmap can use Google Maps. Looks really good and has proper street names.
Easy to install. Just follow the provided instructions. - Little Navmap with Google Maps


Thanks for the heads up.

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No problem. :+1:
I really like it better than the default maps.

Cool thanks

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Thanks a million :+1:

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Just downloaded it - looks great.
Thanks for drawing this to my/our attention.

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You’re very welcome. I like that it has 3 different map versions. One of them being satellite.

Available since 2019…

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Yes, but I just noticed it and apparently I’m not the only one. :wink:
So if it helps a few people, what’s the harm?


I must have a look at this

This morning I wondered if such a thing exists, which bought me here. 2025 and still working!

Thanks :slight_smile: