it seems I am missing a lot of airports in some regions.
I noticed this mostly in North Canada.
As pictures show, I could make a flightplan on the game :
But all the APs in capital letters are missing in LNM.
I tried reloading sceneries, zoomed in max, showing all APs possible in LNM,
and can’t have them show at all.
I have a navigraph subscription, but use it in LNM only for procedures, not for scenery.
Would anyone know what is going on?
But yes I imported the sceneries multiple times, have over 40k airports loaded.
I have been using LNM for 2 years now, never noticed those APs missing since I never flew there.
What i don’t understand is that only those APs in that region don’t get loaded in LNM, despite them appearing on the game’s map.
I will try with the pack DNBOF suggested and see if they get accounted for by LNM then.
Try switching back in LNM to Do Not use Navigraph Database and see if your missing stuff shows up.
They had to switch the way the Scenery Database gets read / loaded in the last couple of updates to prevent Navaid discrepancies.