Hey there,
Rookie here but I’m new to flight simming and streaming but I think I’ve found a new found passion, I absolutely love flying and I love making videos but I’m wanting to take my stream to the next level as I’m always looking to improve. The content creators that I watch have live flight data stream overlays that shows their airspeed, altitude, vertical speed, time to destination etc and I’m wondering if you can get those kind of overlays on Xbox? Of if I can somehow implement them on my laptop to show up over my video while I’m streaming. Im currently streaming using lightstream/twitch. Appreciate the help in advance.
Hello, I also follow that person on YouTube he does great content but also utilises a PC, I don’t believe you will be able to do what he does with overlays on the Xbox. I’m running it on series S, everyday I play I keep thinking I’m going to upgrade to a PC due to all the additional content you can have on that platform
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