LIVE ships not showing

I did see some a week or so ago. But today there were none visible even though Little Navmap showed dozens of them right below me. I was flying at 2,500’ with a TLOD of 90

increase the LOD setting, at the moment it seems the LOD system for the ships require a high value and a close distance.

Yes, the traffic needs specific settings for each type and not one global setting for all. In my opinion this should be a no-brainer. Same for the tags, i want tags on multiplayer aircraft, but not on ships.

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Yeah there’s a problem with ships not being correctly hooked up to the data, all smaller vessels are represented as commercial vessels, large ships are rarely showing up, only their name tags but no 3D model. 2080TI i9-12900K

What are the correct settings to get the live ships? I’ve Sea Traffic in Graphics at Ultra, but does anything in other areas like perhaps ‘Online’ need to be on (or off)? I found a spot with a ton of big bulk mineral ships, went out in MSFS2024, got right down and saw no ships at all.

I wish I could help you, but there seems to be no consistent method available to get ships to show up in 2024. I have tried many variations of settings with no luck. Apparently because there is no bug report that has a 1000 votes on it or more, Asobo is not interested in fixing this issue. Also, GAIST does not work in 2024 either with any consistency on my system, and I haven’t seen any indication that Henrik or Kaiii3 is working on getting it compatible with 2024, though they could be hard at work on it. Just haven’t seen any posts or updates from them about its status.

Many, many users have posted about the lack of visible ships. When this will get sorted, either with live ships from Asobo that are actually visible, or the GAIST addon is up in the air.

yeah, I find this very frustrating. It was one of the selling points for me and it’s absolutely broken at the moment

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I remember Jörg saying that we would see the worlds live naval traffic in the sim. Well……

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Yeah I’ve found that if you set see traffic labels on, there are quite a few around.

there are multiple problems. the reason why we can’t see the traffic is because LODs are broken and they only show up in extreme proximity.

Also most of them are not moving at all and some are spinning like crazy. I think they should bring the traffic into the sim with a certain delay so they don’t have to interpolate positions. I don’t mind having traffic that is 5 mins old but it’s following a consistent trajectory

Also there’s a questionable decisions about ship types to represent generic categories. Like there are tall ships everywhere.