Live - Understanding Weather and Aircraft Performance w/CF - Fri 12/6 9:30ET 0230z

Weather and Aircraft Performance

Continuing on the theme of the past few streams in which we’ve discussed how to make good “aeronautical” decisions in the sim, tonight we’ll dig a little deeper into weather resources and aircraft performance.

Tonight’s flight will be free-flight mode, where we can test some of the concepts we talk about, do some demonstrations, and then go bush fly somewhere for fun. The pace and content will follow the flow of the chat and I’ll try to answer chat questions as they come.

Stream starts at 9:30p ET/6:30p PT/0230z

See you there!


UPDATE: we had a wonderful time! The stream started with a two-hour dive into more aviation weather resources and takeoff and landing performance. Then we went to Chandler, AZ (KCHD), where we had calculated the performance using live weather, and flew the 172 around the pattern several times. I will say that it was pretty much dead-on accurate to the calcs!

After that, I took Mike Patey’s Draco X out of Hite, UT (UT03), along with a gaggle of friends and we flew up the Colorado River, darting through the beautiful landscape of Canyonlands and Arches National Parks, before diving from Mount Waas down into Gateway, CO. There, we practiced our short field landings before heading up to The Palisade, really putting our short-field technique to use on a 200 x 75’ clearing, then basically zip-lining from there down to the airport 2500’ below and one mile away (a 25° descent to land). Draco FTW!

By the way, this may mark the first time I got vertigo in a game from standing on the precipice of The Palisade. It was so uncannily real - walkaround mode is amazing!

Here’s the VOD from the event (unfortunately it will expire in 60 days):